Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I am trying to connect my notebook to the wireless network.
Talk to you soon.
Big hug!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
What happens?
A: When you feel blocked, it is time to evaluate several things:
1 - Confidence: even when you try to co-create, you do not believe that your creations can happen. If you do not believe they are real, you can not sit down in your spiritual throne and receive them.
2 - Devaluation: nothing will happen if you feel that you do not deserve anything good. Your biology needs to hear you saying that "you are valuable".
3 - No fun: If you are buried in seriousness, relax! Return to your childhood, make puzzles, paint with the fingers, sing a song.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Where should I live?

"You should live where you feel attracted to! Some of you will be called to live in another place. How will you know that? When someone calls you and offer a job, when you feel a sense of familiarity with this place and where it seems it will be easy to go! Things come out smooth and easily. Some of you have already asked me: "Kryon, I did this and I had to go back five years later." I answer: Who told you that you would stay there forever? Some of you will have to go from place to place, taking your energy to the place you go. Get used to it!
Some will be travelers and will not have problems with this, others will be anchors that need to be in the same place forever.
We are all different. Accept it and show your intention of going where you will be taken. The Spirit does not give you a task greater than your ability. Normally, it is the opposite: we move you to areas where you will be blessed and cared, places that will give you peace and where you will find friends. Things are not always as it seems. Do not judge: be yourself our partners."
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Today I found some thoughts about boldness, of an unknown author:
“The ship is safe when it is in port, but it is not what ships are made for"
"The person who decides can make mistakes, the one who doesn’t, has already failed"
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it"
"A bird must fly, even if the sky is full of vultures"
"People who try to do something and fail are definitely better than those who do nothing and succeed"
"When we search for the summit of the mountain, we don’t mind about the stones in the path."
Let´s practice!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The key

Monday, January 21, 2008
If you reach your goal......
Q: What is the meaning of reincarnating within the same body?
A: You meet with your spiritual guides before birth, choose your parents, a group of probable realities, the tasks to be done and the set of energies that will build your body. In a way, you separate a portion of your Superior Self, be aware of him and create a body to him. You choose all this with a specific purpose. If in a specific existence you complete your purpose and reach your goal, it will always be easy to add another existence. You simply merge the new conscious, that can be used in the following body, with the old body and conscious. So, you will have done your work well and while you melt the new conscious in the old body, many changes will happen because you will be energetically integrating both.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
be aware of your role !
The highlight sounds common and obvious, but its practice……..
Honestly, I am very concerned with the practice, because the readings mean nothing unless we intend to consolidate this knowledge with the real use of these guidelines, and besides, follow the intuition lead us to some paths that, sometimes, seem dissonant from the established ones. In the words of Miguel, channeled by Vitorino, day 29/12 in Funchal, reinforces this:
“So, the message is, once again: pay attention and be available to attend your own intuition, the voice of your heart, the song that your spiritual guide suggests, without neither false modesties nor false pride. It is only a function. And if that function has the ability to be disclosed to the whole world, because it is what it is, not even the server should be pompous. I repeat: it is just a fact. Thank you.”
………I will take a few minutes now to think about my role………….
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Quiet space
the Seeker is the one Sought."
In its simplest form, meditation is to still the chattering mind, the ever jumpy body, allowing a greater awareness to occur.
You start by discovering inner peace and using this state of mind as the center of your daily life. You go out into the world and respond to people and events. You witness others and their behavior without judgment. You know that life is ever changing and you respond, in the moment to what is going on. Then, you withdraw from world process and return your mind's awareness to your internal state of inner peace.
If you are new to this type of thought and practice, you might just allow your self a gentle and quiet space, a space for just being...if only for a few minutes.
The regular practice of meditation alters the molecular structure of our internal waters, as we said in the post yesterday.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Messages from the water

(*) the left picture means "love and affection". The one from the right, "gratitude".
Thursday, January 17, 2008
7th Chakra
Have a think:
There are many cases of human beings who failed to fall completely into their bodies and for this reason they are often guiding their own conscience to "out of their heads," as if they wanted to leave their body again.
This is common to people who believe that they have come from another stellar system. These people feel they are not really human beings and that they were brought here by an advanced culture, in general, out of the solar system. They feel the lack of their "real home" and have difficulties to remain in their physical body. Through extra sensory perception it is possible to see that the seventh chakra of these people has some relation to other stellar systems and are connected to highly developed creatures. They call themselves the "children of the stars" and affirm that they have never incarnated before, as human beings. In these cases, the problem is that they have already disrupted the cords which were connected to their ‘old home” but even though try to leave their bodies to "return to it", even with the disrupted cords. The final result is that it will be very difficult for them to live with some stability, unless they were under a healing therapy where they would have their cords reconnected again.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Serious decision
Kryon said:
"The ideal is to put the idea of suffering completely aside. It has been said that what is painful for the humans is the part that does not want to change. A flexible person, totally available to change, without any attachment, do not suffer. It is impossible. The one who has the heart sufficiently open to express unconditional gratitude, will not suffer, because his light prevents him against the shadows of suffering. So ..... light you up! Remove the word “suffering” from your vocabulary. While you believe in "sides", you will remain in the third dimension. While there are "sides", you will be oscillating between states of suffering and happiness. Ascension is not that. Ascension is to surpass duality. Perhaps you prefer the term "state of grace" or "well-fortunate" Try to face the challenges you have ahead in state of grace. Dont you know how to make it? Decide that it's so and that you want to do it. We will hear you!"
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Pregnant world
Monday, January 14, 2008
Energetic cords
Today, I was reading about the energetic cords.
There are five types of cords:
- Cords of the soul, that carries the original connection with the spiritual world.
- Cords of past experiences, on Earth or elsewhere.
- Cords that are acquired through the connection with the biological parents.
- Cords that are developed through the relationship with parents.
- Cords that are developed through the relationship with other human beings.
The cords reflect the level of health and strength of the relationship. We create new cords for each new relationship and they are eternal. If the relationship is positive, the cord is strong, bright and flexible. Pathological and dependant relationships create dark, heavy and rigid cords.
In long-term relationships, our seven chakras (centers of energy) are linked because of the deepness and time of the relationship.
Traumas and painful experiences, such as death, divorce, abandonment, leave the cords torn, creating feelings of disorientation and destruction. The study of the disease / problem helps to identify precisely in what chakra the cord is damaged, allowing the therapist to guide healing directly to the source of pain.
(The detailed explanation for each chakra is very interesting. If you want to know more about it, send me an email)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Powerful beauty

Have one beside you today and feel their power!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Core pain
(Heyoan, chanelled by Barbara Brennan)
Friday, January 11, 2008
Life in two steps
“The fusion occurred smoothly, as scheduled for Melissa. During the minutes of conception, she did not notice if there were millions of sperm cells seeking that egg, or only a single one that would fertilize it and would be responsible for its journey on Earth.
It was the beginning of Liz pregnancy and the zero milestone of her history, which meaning was much more than a biological event, because the soul of Melissa had already entered the egg, bringing life to that tiny physical manifest of a body.
She tried to be aware of her first sensations without going too deep into the connection with her mother.
There was silence involved in a warm atmosphere, a great comfort, like a strong hug, a long kiss in the end of the orgasm.
A few seconds later, her intuition told her it was exactly an orgasm, after all she would be the result of a relationship of deep love and, as planned, she had arrived exactly at the moment of conception. She had a great sense of relief and was happy to be there.
It took only a few more seconds to remember that after the initial recognition of the body, she would have to start her job of the next nine months.
She needed to open the records of her memories, where the plan of her life was kept.
She wanted to study carefully the development of all passages and understand very well what and how she should do, because everything had to be synchronized within the time available to meet her goals for that particular encarnation.
Leave it unfulfilled did not occur to her. Her task would be difficult, complex, full of frequent changes and for that reason she worried about the right understanding of the facts and purpose of events”.
Right after asking for the implant, seven months ago, I started to write a book. These are the opening paragraphs. Knowing that everything is written in the soul of the universe, you can imagine what it reminded me when I was reading it again……
Thursday, January 10, 2008
To our egos......goodbye!
The words of Yasmin, channeled by Vitorino in his last speech and published in his website, called my attention.
I am very impressed with the clearness of the information and the focus in the work to be done.
"The point is not to say that the last ones will be the first, because here, in the unconditional plan, there are no lasts nor firsts: there are those who are here. And those who are coming to us! If it was necessary more people, they would be here.
Also, it is not about you having an important role to compensate such feelings of inferiority and discomfort. It is not about passing from a low position to a high one, because in these matters there is no difference concerning positions; there are functions to be developed. And each of you has your own"
To our egos……..goodbye!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Common achievement
There are some days of great anxiety because they seem to be ticked in the cosmic calendar. Tomorrow is one of these days for me. I believe that gradually I have understood the logic of some occurrences and how time helps us in our personal growth.
I am sure that you have already read many times “dreams have their cost” or “never give up your dreams”, but I would like to let this message here again as a reminder, to strengthen your will power in times of difficulties.
If I accomplish my dream, my achievement will be saved in the soul of the universe…..so will be yours too!
Then please, follow your dreams!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Later, I was having a walk and questioning: "how big was that BIG?"
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The Way
Se há um desejo, há um caminho.
Si hay un deseo, hay um camino.
Wenn es einen Wunsch, es gibt einen Weg.
اما اذا كان ثمة رغبة ، وثمة طريقة.
S'il ya une volonté, il ya un chemin.
Αν υπαρχει βουληση, υπαρχει τροπος.
Als er sprake is van een wens, er is een manier.
Se vi è un desiderio, non vi è un percorso.
Если есть желание, а возможность найдется.
It doesn´t matter the language. The way is universal!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Watch the sea
What really contributes to the ascending process is to do pleasant things that revigorate you. Most of you think that the ascending process will be faster if you meditate a lot. For a long time, your soul is telling you to “go to the beach and watch the sea”, but you insist on meditating at home.
You are tied to the idea of “I have to”.
Your soul is screaming, asking you “watch the sea!”, but you decided to meditate. It is your choice, but your deepest wishes will remain unfulfilled.
Each of you knows what you have to do to ascend. If you have a permanent behavior, it is a great disadvantage: when it fails, feelings of guilty appear. If you decided to meditate daily and one day you did not, you will feel guilty.
Pay attention.
The real freedom is to get rid of all links and recover the perception that you are the divinity. If you have any link, it is because you are taking into account that it lives outside yourself.
Human beings insist on searching and pray for health and luck, rather than look within themselves to admire their inner God.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
A day turns a year
Start dwelling on simple circumstances where things went right, people laughed, and activities flowed.
Start dwelling on which body parts are working and praise them for it.
Start dwelling on what bills you can pay and be grateful for what that service provided you.
Dwell on possibility.
Dwell on what has worked, who you do like, who has shown up, and what good is happening in the world.
Do that for a day. Do it for another. Then another.
And before you may realize, a collection of those deliberate dwelling days has become a month. A month has become a season, and a season a year.
+++ A Marshmallow Message +++ You are dearly loved! +++
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Speech
Festivities have passed and reality is back, knocking at the door.
I am able to write my goals on it but I chose to write my commitment of being lined up with them.
My first doubt is what it is going to be the first step, after these days which sounds like a parenthesis in our lives.
Recover the rhythm and strength to act is imperative.
There are some people who let their lives run freely, as a boat drifted out to the sea, and others very attentive to retake the control of the paddles and follow their goals.
Today, I just want to consider my intuition, my true "me", without being "piegas" to myself.
This "me" asks to be fully respected, today!
And from now on, he inspires me a new speech: I AM!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Beth, Maria Pinheiro, Helô, Rosalino, Beatriz, MariaC, Pedro, manuel, José Nazaré, Ricardo Motta, Riverrun, Ale, Maria Vieira, José Marcio, Luisa Pinheiro, Parisiense, Maria Fernanda, Marques Dias, Marcelo, Lenice, Cris, Sara, Nela, Mariângela, John, Rosário, Mônica and anonymous...
Thanks for being with me during the final 37 days of 2007, coming here to take a look at the blog, read, make comments (or not), let your words of love and enthusiasm, join the group in some way.
Here is a box of chocolate as a present for you all. A candy to symbolically remind you the sweetness of Yasmin!
Lots of joy today!