Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The sacred difference

Mercury in squaring with Neptune and sextil with Mars, the Moon is the fourth minguante sign of Aquarius.
Meanwhile, here on Earth humans who know less and those with more laziness to take the correct action are also those who argue and distribute blame easily. On the other hand, humans who understood and made the sacrifice to fight for a civilization that focused in fair and correct relationships, also learned the silence and do their work with determination and confidence in their own convictions. Sometimes the right fight, the fight for liberation of civilization from the totalitarian power seems to proceed using the same weapons of the enemy, but there is a fundamental difference, and that changes the whole game, because good people are not infiltrated by even a drop of hate. This is the sacred difference.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Back to the implant

Some time ago, we talked about the neutral implant and I would like to go back to that subject.
Kryon said:
"Humans are very often afraid of the spiritual world. Never be afraid of the implant: it is the first step in the direction of your superior self, waiting for the moment to be manifested. Maybe you associate with some ritual of the Earth that demands sacrifice of something to get another thing. It is not that. You are being prepared and purified to have wisdom, inner peace and to get rid of any fear. When you ask for the implant, you are asking for your contract to be completed. This is the perfect scene. If you are afraid it is because this is a karmic attribute that must be emptied. Further, you will live a much peaceful life, including with others. The Spirit never abandons you”.
I think that we should talk about our experiences about this matter. For those who have asked for the implant and want to go deeper in any conversation about it, please write to my private email.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Try to get used of having leisure time, because there is a connection between the needs of your inner child and the needs of the adults. Our jokes, during childhood, expressed deep desires of our future life. When our psyque is mature, these desires become also mature and are integrated in our self. Do not try to alter them, do not require a lot of yourself during your leisure time.
Fantasies of a mature mind are transformed in real creative vision!

Monday, April 21, 2008


There was a time that I used to think about that thought very often:
"Everyday, God gives us a moment that it is possible to change everything that makes us unhappy. That magic instant is the moment when a simple "yes" or "no" can change our whole existance".
(from the book Na Margem do Rio Piedra Eu Sentei e Chorei, Paulo Coelho)

What is that instant today?

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Lets leave the rain wash our souls.....our land.....our planet.....receiving with joy of a child's heart the oportunity of cleaness and renovation of the athmosphere, that becomes so light after a heavy rain.
Just open your hands and feel it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A new bridge

If you think as a human and are fearful, you will blame the Spirit for some negative situation you are living, imagining that you are in a wrong path.
You are co-creating along the path, so you should not make suppositions about what it is going to happen. In case you do not find the bridge where you thought you would pass, observe that are other people telling you about a new bridge that you didn’t know it exists.
A bridge that was being built before you have asked. It is larger that the other one, it has lights to illuminate the path and it allows you to cross it faster. It was beyond your sight but now that you needed it , it was revealed.
Remember: time is not linear so the conditions to support your needs have already been created in another plan.
(from Kryon books)

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Lighthouse

I have already thought about “clearing” the wallpaper of the blog and today I looked at the templates available. I liked very much this one, with this lighthouse representing a central light , a reference point; a hidden and eterical sky, embracing the space and illuminating the words. I think it is much better now. Maybe this little change is opening a new phase of our talks. A moment of fast and frequent changes, with this lighthouse reminding us that to get rid of our daily conditionings and standards of thoughts is more than necessary. It is urgent.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Dear friends,
such a long time without writing.....now it is ok, I am online again and we will be back to our talks more often. Big hug for you all!