Saturday, May 31, 2008

And the word, again

I would like to make a tribute to a great friend: the word.
I always note how much it means, clearly expressing the essence of the person.
While someone uses it, the ideas and emotions flow .... or not; the breaks are alternated or lost; the text is interrupted, short or long; the signs of speech are sometimes graphically expressed; the content is clear ..... or hidden between the lines; the rythym is intensified ..... or become quieter.
.... and thus follow our "friends", together or separated, according to the personality of the soul that leads them.
The writing is the essence of the being that has poured out from the fingers of his hands and formed his own spoken portrait, without even being noticed by him.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The word

The word is the final intention of any person who wishes to share something with another one.
William Blake said: everything we write is the result of our memory or of the unknown. If I had a suggestion to give, respect the unknown, and try to find your source of inspiration on it. The stories and facts remain the same but when you open a door of your sub-conciousness and let you be guided by inspiration, you will see that the manner which you describe what you have lived or dreamed is always even richer when your unconsciousness guides the pen.
Each word leaves a memory in your heart and it is the sum of these memories that make the sentences, paragraphs and books.
Words are flexibe and understand the signals of the path. Sentences do not hesitate in changing their courses when discover a better opportunity.
Words have the quality of the water: to shape the rocks, adapted to the river and sometimes become a lake until the depression will be full e be able to keep the way.
Words, when they are written with the soul, never forget that their destiny is the ocean of a text, and that sooner or later they have to get there.

Friday, May 16, 2008

About sexuality

Alterations in the paradigm installed in the human behaviour, in the level of sexuality, will be occurred through the cancellation of the libido. It was the way that we found to force humans to meet other kind of expression.
Men and women will be unable to express sexuality as they have been doing. We will desactivate their sexual desire.
This is a public announcement to both in the couple know what is going on and not to accuse themselves of a lack of interest, using the common arguments in these circumstances. They will simply lose their desire.
After a perĂ­od of time, they will be obliged to think about what is going on and will pay attention in the information that we are publishing, while the time is passing. We will not leave you lost in this situation, very uncomfortable for most of all, mainly for those of unappropriate male energy.
We will not leave you with psychologycal problems caused by the sexual desire being off. We will give information and will lead you to another path.

It has to be this way because many of you are not interested in changing your sexual behaviour by your own will.
The sexual model of expression, that nowadays is being suspended, is so attached in both men and women, that they would hardly leave it in order to search, study, assimilate and practice another form.
Although they should not admire themselves with this adjectives, they do it because they take this sexual expression as normal; they dont know another one. This is the problem. So, naturally, they consider that form right because it is the form they know. It is time to tell them the truth.
It is time to learn. It has a long time that we are saying that the time of making jokes with the spirituality is over. It was a kind of advice and warning. Now is the time of action.

This is just the beginning because sexuality is the source of the creative energy, that afterwards is transformed in other kind of energies, necessary to life. So, the change must start by the essence.
The sexual act is the expresion of the Father and the Mother in Earth. It is the physical form of joining the polarities to create a human being of light and that fusion must be done in an effective, balanced and healthy way.
In this moment, there is no condition to make it happen so we will provide the right conditions to do so.
(by Anura - condensed text, channeled by Vitorino. Original text in the website

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The measure

"It is a time that it is not necessary to make any effort to carry on with whatever you want. The effort that you still have to make is an excellent ruler to measure how your spiritual conciousness has been growing. Then, how is the level of effort still present in your lives? A boat does not have to make any effort to flow in the river." (Kryon)

Friday, May 9, 2008

You will be a man!

If you can keep your good sense and quietness in the world that calls you crazy...
If you can believe in yourself with the whole strength of your soul when nobody believes…
If you are hungry and naked, living a solitary path with no angry …
If you can say something good about who blames you…
If you can be tender with those who are cold with you….
If you can wait without losing hope…
If you can dream but keep the view over your dreams…
If you can make from your thoughts an arc of alliance between heaven and hell…
If you can see the good in everything and resign your love with a smile…
If you can resist from the shame of seeing your words being poisoned…
If living among people you are still virtuous and noble…
If living among kings you are still humble…
If a friend or an enemy, the rich or the poor, are the same for you considering the eternity…
If you count on you and find more than you expect….
Then, the world is yours!
You have conquest the realms, the time, the space!
When you do not have anything else in yourself which is human, then be happy: you will be a man!

(Rudyard Kipling, condensed text)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nothing is permanent in life

In the film The Little Buda, of Bernardo Bertolucci, it is showed, in a very poetic way, a budhist principle that it is the principle of the impermanence.
The budhists takes a long time building delicate and complexes of colourful sand mandalas, on the floor, for later, with a firm and definite gesture, destroy them with the hands.
They do it to remind us on purpose that in life nothing is permanent and that we should not depend on things or emotional states to be happy.
We are very special beings, with an incredible capacity to love, forgive, grow and develop. To be truth, the only thing that we really have is the present moment, with its uncountable invitations of development and multiple actions or no-actions.
It is clear that things that make part of our lives are important and beloved but a bit of unattachment bring us enormous benefits.