There are three kinds of ships, basically, in that ocean.
And the first kind is where the pilothouse has been boarded up and the skipper and all of those responsible for navigation know where they're going. This is because they've been there before and they trust their maps. They trust all of the mythology of the ages to navigate them. These are sailors who went before into the port on their own, they don't need the lighthouse. In fact, it's redundant. In fact, they don't even like it and feel it's silly. So they make their way with their own devices to the port and some make it and some don't. However, what they've failed to see is that the waves are always changing and the tides are shifting. Even the weather patterns are moving around, if you've noticed. But they stick with the old and they say, "It has worked in the past, and it will work now." This works, until they find themselves on the rocks.
The second kind of ship is the one who keeps their pilothouse boarded up unless they're in trouble. The wind comes up and the waves change, then they take the boards off and say, "Now I'm in trouble - where are you, lighthouse?" They see the lighthouse and they're thankful for the lighthouse. Then as soon as they're in port, they put the boards back up. "Thank you, lighthouse," they say. "I only needed you while I was in trouble." Then they go back to their business, feeling that the lighthouse is a "trouble lighthouse."
The third kind of ship is the one who never put the boards up on the windows and is always looking for the lighthouse first, because it understands that the waves shift and the tides move, and that it never knows where the shifting rocks are. So this ship looks at the lighthouse for guidance into the safe harbor all the time.
We have just given you the three kinds of humans, basically, that would become enlightened via free choice on this planet in this new energy. It would seem that the third kind would be the ones who are the ones you might think are going to become the true light of the planet. You're right.
But I tell once again that there doesn't have to be many of those of the third kind. Less than one half of one percent of the earth has to be aware of their own divinity and their own light to send this power through meditation and prayer to the rest of the planet and create peace on Earth.