Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fields of energy: 1st Level

The human field of energy consists of seven levels. Each level penetrates the body and extends out from the skin. Each successive level presents a higher frequency. All these levels influence each other.
These levels, fields of energy, can not be considered less real than our physical body. If all of them were strong, healthy and loaded, you'll live life to the fullest, in all areas of the human experience.
If the field of energy is weak at some level, you will find it difficult to gain experiences associated with that level.
We have a tendency to believe that all experiences of life are physical and this is not true because the levels of vibration are different. The seven levels correspond to different levels of our experiences in life.

The 1st. level:
This is the level of physical sensations and pain is a dysfunction of the field. This level tends to be light-blue if the person is sensitive and calm, or graynish-blue if the person is strong and robust. The more connected to the body the person is, the more he exercises, this layer will be more developed, with more lines of energy, creating more vitality, greater capacity to feel his own body, more sexual energy, better quality of sleep. If the first level is low in energy, the person does not give importance to take pleasure from physical sensations, probably he does not like exercising, having sex, eat, to be touched and he is not interested in being alive.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Superior and Inferior

Star date: Venus entering the sign of Libra, Sun and Saturn are in conjunction, New Moon is in Virgo

Meanwhile, here on Earth, whose aesthetic is disinformation, but whose cosmetics is the Age of Information, our humanity takes the superficial knowledge to feel superior, giving vaguely opinions about all topics, but never discussing them in a deep form, as this would require complex mechanisms of thinking, which only truly good and critical readings could provide.

Unfortunately, for the specie that wants to be superior to the others, the truth can only be accessed avoiding lies and while it does not, the kind that poses as superior ends up depreciating itself, pretending it does not see what it sees, saying that its pains are always guilty of others…..those mysterious others.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Let's carry on!

We are being called to a new way of life so that the fraternal cooperation between all human beings can be expressed. For this, we must be willing to transcend the circle of relationships, possessions and games of interest of personality. For that, we turn back to our intuitive world and emerges from us a new way of thinking, feeling and acting. Thoughts, wishes and feelings are effective actions. Hence, we can no longer assign the other the responsibility for what happens to us: humanity is one and planetary changes also depend on our decisions. It is possible to live without competing, use without damage, love without possess. The new way of life is based on the sincere donation of each of us for the good of the whole. This is far beyond any ideological concepts. If this is not assumed with good will, we will keep hiding our weaknesses, dragging our problems, whispering our complaints. This requires effort and determination, but we can accomplish it. It is worthy daring. It is worthy pursuing!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The creation of the form

You feel I am far because I am really far. I am not in any dimension, I don’t have any physical form, I am the pure expression of the creative energy – the nothing. We could say that I am the energy the moves the sperma but I am only complete when I am involved with the energy of the egg. For that, we need a place of encounter: the womb. This is “the mother”, that keeps, inside her space, the place where the fertilization occurs, the creation. Nothing happens in the universe without passing, in some way, by this meeting point. It is what happens before the creation of the form.

I am Lucifer, of the highest point where it is possible to communicate with humans, by now.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The pretender

The pretender, well, he's really a newbie. But he gets the spirituality bug quickly and easily. After all, isn't that the core of all of you? The pretender goes to what you all have in common, pretending to be an old soul. Have you ever heard the expression, "too spiritual to be any earthly good?" If so, he or she probably is a pretender. He doesn’t want anything to do with the real world. He thinks that there has to be a better way. So he surrounds himself with spirituality and tries to mold his own reality. He also wishes to ascend and "get out of here." He wants to go out so he doesn’t have to deal with humans any more, or at least the ones who don't think as he does. He is as precious as the newbie, but in a different way, for he actually can see that divinity is real. But he never sees the humanity as being sacred.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The elder

Some souls are 50,000 years old and nothing surprises them.
They know that they’ve been here and they’ve played all the roles within both genders many times and they are just doing another one... and they are tired. They are so tired!
It is understandable that they are tired…..but for those who think that this is the last time, we have news: it is not!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The first-timer

The first-timer is the soul that comes for the first time to Earth.

You can spot them - innocent they are - complete innocence and yet devastated by humanity in general. The first-timer is the one who will immediately go into nature because they can’t stand Humans. "This doesn’t work for me," they say.

In normal conversation, they speak "A" and they get back "B." In their perception, conversation is very difficult. They often don't look you in the eye or respond the way you expect. They don’t understand why Humans spin drama, either. "Why would Humans do that?" they say. "I don’t like this place," they say. "I’ll talk to the animals." That’s a first-timer - very confused about the actual relationship between Human and Human. They must learn about this, and they always do.

A first-timer is one that’s just a little out of sync. Some say they’re a little bizarre, and that’s just because they’re so bewildered with the Earth and humanity.

You’ve seen them. You know who they are, and they are gentle and precious... precious souls. But they seem so out of place with society, so honest, still learning how it all works.