Monday, April 20, 2009

3 Things

From everything in life, just three things remain:

The certainty that we are always starting....
The certainty that we have to carry on....
The certainty that we will be interrupted after starting...

So, we have to transform ....
interruptions into a new path
falls into a new dance step
fears into a new ladder
dreams into a new bridge
searches into a new encounter.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter message


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 9º

9º Braveness

This is the feeling that moves us to do what we want, to stop doubting about our own capability, to adventure through the roads that can take us to a better destiny. And don’t think that braveness doesn’t come with fear: we need both emotions to dare with the right measure. Usually, the fear lives where there are opportunities. When you are afraid of something, face it! Even if things don’t go well, at least you will have moved forward.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 8º

8º Initiative

Those who have initiative reach their goal first. Ok, it is not always easy to try ways you have not experienced, but the effort will be extremely rewarding. In social or professional relationships give more space to your thoughts. Try to put into practice the solutions that come to your mind – or at least try them! Do not break or hide your creativity!

Monday, April 6, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 7º

7º Perspective

Thinking about the future doesn´t mean that you have to have a prior living. The important thing is to chose your path and define your aims to get the right result. It becomes easier to reach your goal. Consequently, self-confidence, that sensation of “I am capable”, increases significantly. Live the present moment but don’t forget to organize and create opportunities for the future. The first step is to identify your aim, then carry on with your plan even when you meet those who underestimate you. Bet everything on yourself.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 6º

6º Trustful

Everybody dreams about that sensation of “everything is fine and it will always be”. We cannot be absolutely safe all the time, but we have to believe in our ability in relationships and adaptability in new situations. If you don’t want to break the development of your destiny, take your foot out off the brake and take risks! Trust in your abilities, be surrounded by those with whom you feel good and stay in places that give you a peaceful sensation.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 5º

5º Health
The old saying is right: clear mind, healthy body. Lonely and hurt people eat more, move less and don’t have any disposition to search for happiness. The ones who care about their bodies can easily save their minds. Besides practicing some physical activity, such as walking in the park and investing in a healthy diet, allow yourself to experience good things that life has to offer. Simple habits, like appreciating nature or giving someone you like a strong hug, will make a big difference.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 4º

4º Optimism

Stimulating a positive outlook increases self-esteem and self-confidence. Someone who is optimistic feels he is able to solve any problem and achieve his wishes more easily. Optimism is essential for the human development because it improves the learning of new lessons and the search for different solutions, it doesn’t matter how hard they are. You have to have in mind that you can accomplish it. When we remember our accomplishments, we realize how we can overcome our limits.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 3º

3º Sense of humor

It is right to say that laughter is the best medicine! When you laugh, you stimulate the liberation of hormones which are responsible for the sensation of well being. A sense of humor is not lack of seriousness. A smile is an efficient way to calm down the mind, leaving it free to find solutions. Do not take life too seriously and spend more time with your beloved ones. Make fun of yourself and unpleasant situations.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 2º

2º Love

You know how good it is to love someone. It is a constructive feeling that contributes to the well being of everybody who is involved. So, surrender to it! Don’t forget that only those who love themselves are able to awake that emotion in another person´s heart. Everything starts with self-appreciation. Think twice before judging someone or yourself. It is important to believe that you deserve that noble feeling.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 1º

1º Spirituality

Who has any doubt that faith brings hope? More than a passive behaviour, spirituality makes you feel confident and strong enough to do whatever you want. It is important to believe in something superior – maybe God or the power of your thoughts. If you live your faith, get even more involved. Being part of voluntary work is a good way of feeling part of the world.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

About love, the endless theme

"What else we can ask beyond being drowned by the immense wave of love and be defeated as a human being, but well succeded as someone capable to love. Sons of God, lovers of other human beings, of small and big creatures. In the apparent defeat of love, we rebirth again and this is the only reason that we have to continue in Earth."

Jewish mystics pg 86

Friday, February 6, 2009


Don't you find it interesting that most of the religions on the planet see you as being born dirty? It's an odd posturing, is it not, for a creature of divine creation? Does it even sound reasonable that you would be born into a spiritual system where you didn't have a chance when you arrived because of something that happened eons before you got here? Does this really sound like being "made in the image of God?"
(Marshmallow messages, Kryon)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


For how many dimensions need to pass a living? For how many roads a man needs to go looking for the great secret of existence? The task is difficult, massive, often impossible, but none of these arguments is able to prevent us from ahead. We can not know what happened in the past, and that led to how things are. We can not know what awaits us below. At any given time, God has called us to take the caravan of life, and we are full of doubts. But we should try to go as far as possible. Even in the middle of the desert, it is important to try to discover the wonders buried in the sand.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thought of the day

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."
Barack Obama

Monday, January 12, 2009

The eagle

The eagle likes to fly high, over the sky, not to see people from above, but to encourage them to look at the sky.

(Elisabeth Kubler Ross)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


"Great spirits have aims. Others, just wishes." Washington Irving

"The true happiness is to spend our energy with a goal." William Cowper

"Future has many names. For the weaks, it is the intangible. For the fearful, the unknown. For the brave, the opportunity." Victor Hugo

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Time Line for the Planet

What about the time line of the planet... the prophecies that have been given through the ages that all seem to validate each other? There are those who would say, "These have always been the same and will never change. Certain things will take place because the prophecies all said they would."

Let me give you some information that you won't understand. Part of this information is simplified and metaphoric in order for you to receive and understand it in a clearer way.

There's an Earth somewhere that's all by itself--you're not there. But it exists in another reality. Call it an alternate reality, if you wish, and this is actually true. To compound this vision, the actuality is that there are many Earths! But all are in another time frame, within something you and your science have called another dimension. This other Earth is one that you grew up within, but you moved out of that reality and changed the very matter under your feet. You changed the time frame, the biology, and the geology. Earth is now on another track... one that the prophets never foresaw.

(A Marshmallow Message, from Kryon. "You are dearly loved!" )

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy 2009 !!

Dear friends

I hope that all of you are having happy moments through this period of festivities and that our blog has been pleasant to read during this first year of existence.

There are some thoughts listed bellow, to suggest a reflection for the end of this year.

Please, receive my best wishes of a wonderful 2009, full of joys and powerful intuitions, to create whatever you want.

a big hug to all of you!

"If you're feeling frustrated, be sure that to live the life that you deserve, you need to leave aside the life you have."
"People who dramatically changed his life had the courage to make radical changes."
"When the evolution is not enough, we must make revolution."
"The worst defeat is of those who has never taken any risk".
"Many people avoid the tears when in fact they are also avoiding the joys of life."
"Take risks, be a player. What can you lose? You came to life with empty hands and you will return with empty hands. Life is a school. Learn to have more pleasure."
(Roberto Shinyashiki)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The ego acceptancy

No matter how much cleaning we do, if we do not change our inner conciousness, the ascension will not happen. It is not only a matter of cleaning, but of real change of level. If the previous standard keeps running, it is because you still have a relationship with it and no change will happen. One thing is changing biology, another thing is to change personality. When you integrate both, things start to develop positively. Your ego has to accept as well, because nothing will happen against it that has not surrender yet. This is the explanation for most of your problems. Decrete: " that all my resistances disappear in order to align my will according to the Divine will!" This is the key for the Total Surrender.
(by Vitorino de Sousa)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Back to the source

Go back to the source. Don't depend on what people tell you they meant. Don't give away your power of discernment to someone who's going to interpret the words of a master for you.
You're entitled and are as good as the best of the "trained" interpreters. Go back to the source and discover what they said!
They spoke about compromise and unity. They unified tribes that were apart - they gave solutions to the unsolvable. Many stood on mountaintops for all to hear and spoke about Human enablement.

They told those around them that Humans could be just like them! They gave all of you things to ponder for the ages...practical, spiritual, and historic. (Kryon)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Without prophecies

This is an age with no ancient prophecy. There is no prophecy you can find anywhere that explains what has happened in the last few years, and no prophecy about what humanity is about to do. No prophet was able to go to the other side of the veil and bring back this information, for what you're doing on this earth has never been charted before by anyone.

(From a Kryon Channelling in Chile, October 20 2008)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

If I could.....

If I could give you a present, I would forever remind you of the feeling of loving the life of all human beings; the consciousness of learning everything that was taught during your life.
I would remind you of the mistakes you have made and never to repeat them; the ability of choosing new ways.
I would remind you to respect everything which is indispensable:
beyond survival, the work;
beyond work, the action.
And when everything else was missing, a secret: when you were looking for answers and for the strength to find the way out, look inside yourself.
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Spiritual Box

Do not be critical on yourselves if you do not then follow what you are told by another Human Being or organization, by what they think is appropriate spiritually. For their truth is different than yours. Their search for God is different than yours.
Blessed is the Human Being who searches for God in any way at all! Blessed is the Human who sits, ready to go, and who says, "God, tell me what it is I need to know. I want to chip away at the wall, the duality between 3D and multiple-D. I want to chip away at the wall to find my own magnificence. I know it’s there. I can feel it. Show me the path to my own revelation."
When a Human Being is following his truth, it’s his passion for God he is discovering. It’s a path for his own personal discovery to find God in his life. That’s truth. It’s diverse since there are so many individual paths for Humans. Each Human Being is spiritually unique. One is working on abundance issues, one is working on health issues, one is working on self-worth issues, and one is battling fear. Many of these paths are a result of the past experiences of Humans on Earth in different expressions [past lives], creating the vast differences of personalities at birth – their strengths and challenges, their many phobias, and their gifts.

Do you see how you cannot create a spiritual box and ask everyone to get in?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fields of energy: 7th Level

When we aware of the seventh chakra, we identify with the creator. This is the strongest level and the most elastic field of energy. It can be compared to a wavelength of light that vibrates in a very high pace. This vibration loads the field of energy of all the chakras and nurtures the connection between them. These chains keep the energy circulating around the person, maintaining the integrity of light. Influences of past lives also connect to this network and are linked in the head and neck. This chakra is connected to the field that contains the person's life plan, for the current incarnation, and above it is the cosmic plan, which contains the expanded plan to which we do not have access.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fields of energy: 6th Level

This field contains all colors and has a very high frequency. The more brilliant and loaded this level is, the more the person is aware about the human experience. This is the level of divine love. It gives a deep sense of peace. We get it through meditation, prayer, good music and daydreams. In these moments, we share our existance with other beings and the universe. When the sixth level is low, we do not have inspiration and we feel spiritually disconnected. Perhaps the person does not even know what it is and think that those who feel, are crazy. In cases of trauma related to God, religion, spirituality, this level is not only insufficiently charged, but is also separated from other fields, losing communication. When this level is much stronger than the others, the person tends to avoid experiences in the physical level. The person may be childish, hoping to be careful by others, living in the spiritual world, or become a proud person, considering himself better than the others.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fields of energy: 5th Level

The fifth level contains the divine will and the development of the evolutionary pattern of life that is physically manifested. If you are in harmony with the divine will, your fifth level will be strong and full of energy. You will feel a sense of great power and will connect with people around you easily because you are in the right place, in synchonicity with your purpose. Your place in the universal scheme of things is determined by you and create a deeper level inside you. When your fifth level is strong, the order is imperative in your life. Your home is tidy, clean, you are ponctual and do your work very well. The order is the main principle. If this level is weak, your occupation seems an obligation for you and you will likely rebele against it. If you have questions about your own value, this level will seem impersonal and with little affection. Order is a terrible obstacle to your freedom. The importance of a strong fifth level is the expansion of creativity, intuition and vision of the divine plan. You can feel and see the Divine Plan and will be aware that you are the one.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fields of energy: 4th Level

The fourth level of energy contains the entire universe of our relationships.
It is from this level that we interact with other people, where we find our feelings about the others.
The fourth level of energy can cross a room and come to another person. When two people work together, it doesnt matter if their relationship is weak or strong, large currents of colourful bioplasma, similar to a fluid, leave the field of one to reach the field of the other.
If there is much mutual love in action, there will be an abundance of pink energy that flows into soft waves. If there is jealousy, it will be dark. If there is passion, pink will have a good amount of orange, producing a stimulative effect.
The fourth level includes all the love and joy as well as the entire conflict and pain of the relationships. The more you interact with someone, the more we will be connected to that person.
If the fourth level is strong, your relationship will be safe and positive. You like to deal with people and maybe work in a profession that allows this. If the fourth level is low, your relationships with others will not be important to you.
Perhaps you are lonely. You may not have intimate relationships with people.
When we were born, we have cords that represent our relationships with our father and mother. These cords grow and each one is a model of how we continue to build relationships with men and women in our lives.
This level is the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fields of energy: 3rd Level

The third level is linked to our mental or rational world. The lines of energy in that level are lemon-yellow. When it is balanced, our thoughts are clear, we feel balanced and with a sense of adequacy. Being strong and charged, the person will have a clear, strong, active and healthy mind and will be avid to learn. If you are weak and discharged, you will feel lack of mental agility, skill, concentration and memory and will not be interested in intellectual activities. When the first and second levels are weak, and the third strong, the person tends to solve everything mentally, disregarding the emotions and body. We must remember that the natural state of energy is movement. When it is held in the second, it presses the third, generating negative thoughts. It is more common in our society, have the habit of gossiping about people than expressing our negative feelings openly, because that would require to look within ourselves to understand our own negative emotions.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fields of energy: 2nd Level

The second level of the human field of energy is associated with human feelings and emotions about yourself. Every movement of energy is associated with a feeling that you have, regarding yourself.
When this centre is presented with vivid colours, means that it is linked to positive feelings. When the colors are darker, the feelings are negative.
When you allow the feelings flow, the aura remains balanced. If they are stucked, they obstruct the system and disrupt its normal operation, interfering in health in many degrees.
If your second level is strong and loaded, you love yourself, know how to express this love, is able to relate emotionally and physically with calm, can enjoy the physical pleasures in full, without guilt, without fears and your well-being is always growing . If he is weak and discharged, will generate depression and lack of self-esteem.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fields of energy: 1st Level

The human field of energy consists of seven levels. Each level penetrates the body and extends out from the skin. Each successive level presents a higher frequency. All these levels influence each other.
These levels, fields of energy, can not be considered less real than our physical body. If all of them were strong, healthy and loaded, you'll live life to the fullest, in all areas of the human experience.
If the field of energy is weak at some level, you will find it difficult to gain experiences associated with that level.
We have a tendency to believe that all experiences of life are physical and this is not true because the levels of vibration are different. The seven levels correspond to different levels of our experiences in life.

The 1st. level:
This is the level of physical sensations and pain is a dysfunction of the field. This level tends to be light-blue if the person is sensitive and calm, or graynish-blue if the person is strong and robust. The more connected to the body the person is, the more he exercises, this layer will be more developed, with more lines of energy, creating more vitality, greater capacity to feel his own body, more sexual energy, better quality of sleep. If the first level is low in energy, the person does not give importance to take pleasure from physical sensations, probably he does not like exercising, having sex, eat, to be touched and he is not interested in being alive.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Superior and Inferior

Star date: Venus entering the sign of Libra, Sun and Saturn are in conjunction, New Moon is in Virgo

Meanwhile, here on Earth, whose aesthetic is disinformation, but whose cosmetics is the Age of Information, our humanity takes the superficial knowledge to feel superior, giving vaguely opinions about all topics, but never discussing them in a deep form, as this would require complex mechanisms of thinking, which only truly good and critical readings could provide.

Unfortunately, for the specie that wants to be superior to the others, the truth can only be accessed avoiding lies and while it does not, the kind that poses as superior ends up depreciating itself, pretending it does not see what it sees, saying that its pains are always guilty of others…..those mysterious others.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Let's carry on!

We are being called to a new way of life so that the fraternal cooperation between all human beings can be expressed. For this, we must be willing to transcend the circle of relationships, possessions and games of interest of personality. For that, we turn back to our intuitive world and emerges from us a new way of thinking, feeling and acting. Thoughts, wishes and feelings are effective actions. Hence, we can no longer assign the other the responsibility for what happens to us: humanity is one and planetary changes also depend on our decisions. It is possible to live without competing, use without damage, love without possess. The new way of life is based on the sincere donation of each of us for the good of the whole. This is far beyond any ideological concepts. If this is not assumed with good will, we will keep hiding our weaknesses, dragging our problems, whispering our complaints. This requires effort and determination, but we can accomplish it. It is worthy daring. It is worthy pursuing!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The creation of the form

You feel I am far because I am really far. I am not in any dimension, I don’t have any physical form, I am the pure expression of the creative energy – the nothing. We could say that I am the energy the moves the sperma but I am only complete when I am involved with the energy of the egg. For that, we need a place of encounter: the womb. This is “the mother”, that keeps, inside her space, the place where the fertilization occurs, the creation. Nothing happens in the universe without passing, in some way, by this meeting point. It is what happens before the creation of the form.

I am Lucifer, of the highest point where it is possible to communicate with humans, by now.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The pretender

The pretender, well, he's really a newbie. But he gets the spirituality bug quickly and easily. After all, isn't that the core of all of you? The pretender goes to what you all have in common, pretending to be an old soul. Have you ever heard the expression, "too spiritual to be any earthly good?" If so, he or she probably is a pretender. He doesn’t want anything to do with the real world. He thinks that there has to be a better way. So he surrounds himself with spirituality and tries to mold his own reality. He also wishes to ascend and "get out of here." He wants to go out so he doesn’t have to deal with humans any more, or at least the ones who don't think as he does. He is as precious as the newbie, but in a different way, for he actually can see that divinity is real. But he never sees the humanity as being sacred.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The elder

Some souls are 50,000 years old and nothing surprises them.
They know that they’ve been here and they’ve played all the roles within both genders many times and they are just doing another one... and they are tired. They are so tired!
It is understandable that they are tired…..but for those who think that this is the last time, we have news: it is not!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The first-timer

The first-timer is the soul that comes for the first time to Earth.

You can spot them - innocent they are - complete innocence and yet devastated by humanity in general. The first-timer is the one who will immediately go into nature because they can’t stand Humans. "This doesn’t work for me," they say.

In normal conversation, they speak "A" and they get back "B." In their perception, conversation is very difficult. They often don't look you in the eye or respond the way you expect. They don’t understand why Humans spin drama, either. "Why would Humans do that?" they say. "I don’t like this place," they say. "I’ll talk to the animals." That’s a first-timer - very confused about the actual relationship between Human and Human. They must learn about this, and they always do.

A first-timer is one that’s just a little out of sync. Some say they’re a little bizarre, and that’s just because they’re so bewildered with the Earth and humanity.

You’ve seen them. You know who they are, and they are gentle and precious... precious souls. But they seem so out of place with society, so honest, still learning how it all works.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Three kinds of ships

Imagine a lighthouse on the shore, and its job is to shine the light and stay put. When the ships at sea are starting to come into the port, they have the invitation to see the light and steer safely and not onto the rocks, which hide under the waves.

There are three kinds of ships, basically, in that ocean.

And the first kind is where the pilothouse has been boarded up and the skipper and all of those responsible for navigation know where they're going. This is because they've been there before and they trust their maps. They trust all of the mythology of the ages to navigate them. These are sailors who went before into the port on their own, they don't need the lighthouse. In fact, it's redundant. In fact, they don't even like it and feel it's silly. So they make their way with their own devices to the port and some make it and some don't. However, what they've failed to see is that the waves are always changing and the tides are shifting. Even the weather patterns are moving around, if you've noticed. But they stick with the old and they say, "It has worked in the past, and it will work now." This works, until they find themselves on the rocks.

The second kind of ship is the one who keeps their pilothouse boarded up unless they're in trouble. The wind comes up and the waves change, then they take the boards off and say, "Now I'm in trouble - where are you, lighthouse?" They see the lighthouse and they're thankful for the lighthouse. Then as soon as they're in port, they put the boards back up. "Thank you, lighthouse," they say. "I only needed you while I was in trouble." Then they go back to their business, feeling that the lighthouse is a "trouble lighthouse."

The third kind of ship is the one who never put the boards up on the windows and is always looking for the lighthouse first, because it understands that the waves shift and the tides move, and that it never knows where the shifting rocks are. So this ship looks at the lighthouse for guidance into the safe harbor all the time.

We have just given you the three kinds of humans, basically, that would become enlightened via free choice on this planet in this new energy. It would seem that the third kind would be the ones who are the ones you might think are going to become the true light of the planet. You're right.

But I tell once again that there doesn't have to be many of those of the third kind. Less than one half of one percent of the earth has to be aware of their own divinity and their own light to send this power through meditation and prayer to the rest of the planet and create peace on Earth.
I'll say that again. Less than one half of one percent.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

New vow

Listen, family member: I speak to you directly.

If fear if surging through your body right now, be quiet for a moment and let the love of Spirit and the sacred things that are here flow through you, head to toe. Understand that you have the power to rise up from the chair differently from how you came in. If you want to know what healings are about, I'll tell you. The energy here is ripe with life change . . . Right where you sit.

We're going to stop the teaching for a moment. It's time for healing, and maybe that's why you came in, or perhaps it's why you're reading this. There are those of you who would like to drop the vows. and we can help you with this [speaking of past-life spiritual vows]. Perhaps you were going to do it later? You can do it right now. Why don't you do it in front of this entourage that loves you so much?

We've told you this before: You don't have to say anything out loud—just say it quietly to yourself: “Yes, this is for me. I drop the vows I came in with—the vow of celibacy, the vow of being alone, the vow of being the shaman and medicine man—relegated to the outskirts of the community, misunderstood and feared. I don't want to have this anymore. I wish to have abundance in my life. I want sustenance. I want the love of God as my constant companion. I don't want to worry anymore. I drop the vows here and now from those past lives.”

We hear you, shaman. We hear you, priest. It's time for a change. Why don't you go ahead and make a new vow: “I vow in the name of Spirit to vibrate as high as possible—to draw closer to God and be in that place that has been identified as Heaven—the energy that takes place as I draw closer to my Higher Self and discover my divinity. That's my vow. In the process, I'll be loved. In the process, I will not be alone. In the process, I'll have sustenance.”

We hear you, dear family!
see you soon, Kryon

Friday, June 27, 2008

Messages from Kryon (part 3)

There is no organization or someone to follow. Do not adore Kryon, If you want to adore someone, look at the mirror. Adore you. Not in a selfish way but seing the face of God and asking why you went back to Earth.

And what about judgement? God judges? And about the human beings that are bad to others, will they be judged? Suppose: when you go to the theatre, you watch the play and see the actor shooting at someone, to kill him. Then, when the play is over, do you call the police to judge the crime? No! the play is over, everybody clap hands and go home. It is what happens after death: a big party when the play is over.

Just an advice: if they told you that you came in sin, do not believe. This was never taught by the masters. It comes from the humans. The master of love never said that. The master said: I am the son of God and so are you. He showed that miracles can be done by us. He brought the message of the truth: we are sacred!
(Kryon - by Lee Caroll - workshop in Brasil in Feb/08)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Messages from Kryon (part 2)

The worker of light illuminates where he is. You do it anchoring light in dark places where maybe you are the only one that is there… home, at work, in the city were you live, other places where you go….in your own family.

Let me tell you: you have the power over darkness. There is darkness in the planet. It is not a demon that looks for your soul, it is darkness made by human beings. It is porwerful but the humans are powerful either. If you observe, the light is active and darkness is not. If you are in a dark room with thousands of souls of low vibration and a human being enters with his light, all the room will be illuminated straight away. If the room is full of light, and darkness comes in, nothing happens. Darkness does not affect light but light affects darkness.

(Kryon - by Lee Caroll - workshop in Brasil in Feb/08)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Messages from Kryon (part 1)

You are in that meeting, willing to hear this channeling. There are not many people available for it but in any culture or society there are always the ones who have the light. You are the minority but you have the majority of light.

Over you is your Higher Self. He is also known as the Hole Spirit or the central energy of your soul – your essence. You pass your whole life trying to touch his hands. Imagine yourself stretching your energy to the other side of the veil, that is also you. You are much bigger than you think. In the inter dimensional space, you are much bigger. When you touch your High self, you find yourself.

The human being has total capacity of communication with spirits because it is the way it was planned. You do not believe that, so need to learn it again, experience. You say that you do not hear voices from the sky, because you think God talks to you this way. It is much more elegant than that and I will tell you how. Use your pure intention and when you meditate, just say: God, what should I know? You will not hear voices, not even see flashes of light. What you sill feel is an abundance of love, because you opened the door.

The door that gives access to the family from where you belong.You are helped as soon as you push the door and things start to happen. Some of you will say that the problems are still there but will feel an incredible peace. Then the next step is to create your own reality. It is what we teach. Get out of the carmic cycle, the system that is around you for thousands of years. Outside it, you create your own energy, pure energy, and this is the path ahead of you.
(Kryon - por Lee Caroll - workshop no Brasil em fev/08)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Considerare, in latin

In the post of Feb,12th, I talked about the sky of the place where we live and today I read a text about the word “consider” that comes form the latin “considerare” and means “being with the sky”.
The text said that we always need to evaluate the quality of the sky in a certain period of time in order to understand what situations are effectively flowing in that moment.
Each year, we gain a map with a new route that points out the chains which are faster and more adequate to stay, in the river of our lives.
Listen to the sky is to realize what are these chains, it is to penetrate in the current flow and explore the maximum possibilities that are being manifested TODAY.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The silence

The silence of the mountains has a depth that valleys don’t have. Each person has his own silence; the silence between clouds and the one between trees has a big difference. The silence between thoughts is timeless; the silence of pleasure and fear are touchable. The artificial silence that our thoughts can produce is the death; the silence between noises is the absence of noises, although is not silence, the same way that the absence o war is not peace. The dark silence of a cathedral or temple is the silence of centuries and of the beauty specially built by man. This is the silence of past and future, the silence of a museum and a cemetery. But all these things are not silence. Slowly, the day comes to an end and the light sounds of the night come up.
The genuine silence.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

And the word, again

I would like to make a tribute to a great friend: the word.
I always note how much it means, clearly expressing the essence of the person.
While someone uses it, the ideas and emotions flow .... or not; the breaks are alternated or lost; the text is interrupted, short or long; the signs of speech are sometimes graphically expressed; the content is clear ..... or hidden between the lines; the rythym is intensified ..... or become quieter.
.... and thus follow our "friends", together or separated, according to the personality of the soul that leads them.
The writing is the essence of the being that has poured out from the fingers of his hands and formed his own spoken portrait, without even being noticed by him.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The word

The word is the final intention of any person who wishes to share something with another one.
William Blake said: everything we write is the result of our memory or of the unknown. If I had a suggestion to give, respect the unknown, and try to find your source of inspiration on it. The stories and facts remain the same but when you open a door of your sub-conciousness and let you be guided by inspiration, you will see that the manner which you describe what you have lived or dreamed is always even richer when your unconsciousness guides the pen.
Each word leaves a memory in your heart and it is the sum of these memories that make the sentences, paragraphs and books.
Words are flexibe and understand the signals of the path. Sentences do not hesitate in changing their courses when discover a better opportunity.
Words have the quality of the water: to shape the rocks, adapted to the river and sometimes become a lake until the depression will be full e be able to keep the way.
Words, when they are written with the soul, never forget that their destiny is the ocean of a text, and that sooner or later they have to get there.

Friday, May 16, 2008

About sexuality

Alterations in the paradigm installed in the human behaviour, in the level of sexuality, will be occurred through the cancellation of the libido. It was the way that we found to force humans to meet other kind of expression.
Men and women will be unable to express sexuality as they have been doing. We will desactivate their sexual desire.
This is a public announcement to both in the couple know what is going on and not to accuse themselves of a lack of interest, using the common arguments in these circumstances. They will simply lose their desire.
After a períod of time, they will be obliged to think about what is going on and will pay attention in the information that we are publishing, while the time is passing. We will not leave you lost in this situation, very uncomfortable for most of all, mainly for those of unappropriate male energy.
We will not leave you with psychologycal problems caused by the sexual desire being off. We will give information and will lead you to another path.

It has to be this way because many of you are not interested in changing your sexual behaviour by your own will.
The sexual model of expression, that nowadays is being suspended, is so attached in both men and women, that they would hardly leave it in order to search, study, assimilate and practice another form.
Although they should not admire themselves with this adjectives, they do it because they take this sexual expression as normal; they dont know another one. This is the problem. So, naturally, they consider that form right because it is the form they know. It is time to tell them the truth.
It is time to learn. It has a long time that we are saying that the time of making jokes with the spirituality is over. It was a kind of advice and warning. Now is the time of action.

This is just the beginning because sexuality is the source of the creative energy, that afterwards is transformed in other kind of energies, necessary to life. So, the change must start by the essence.
The sexual act is the expresion of the Father and the Mother in Earth. It is the physical form of joining the polarities to create a human being of light and that fusion must be done in an effective, balanced and healthy way.
In this moment, there is no condition to make it happen so we will provide the right conditions to do so.
(by Anura - condensed text, channeled by Vitorino. Original text in the website

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The measure

"It is a time that it is not necessary to make any effort to carry on with whatever you want. The effort that you still have to make is an excellent ruler to measure how your spiritual conciousness has been growing. Then, how is the level of effort still present in your lives? A boat does not have to make any effort to flow in the river." (Kryon)

Friday, May 9, 2008

You will be a man!

If you can keep your good sense and quietness in the world that calls you crazy...
If you can believe in yourself with the whole strength of your soul when nobody believes…
If you are hungry and naked, living a solitary path with no angry …
If you can say something good about who blames you…
If you can be tender with those who are cold with you….
If you can wait without losing hope…
If you can dream but keep the view over your dreams…
If you can make from your thoughts an arc of alliance between heaven and hell…
If you can see the good in everything and resign your love with a smile…
If you can resist from the shame of seeing your words being poisoned…
If living among people you are still virtuous and noble…
If living among kings you are still humble…
If a friend or an enemy, the rich or the poor, are the same for you considering the eternity…
If you count on you and find more than you expect….
Then, the world is yours!
You have conquest the realms, the time, the space!
When you do not have anything else in yourself which is human, then be happy: you will be a man!

(Rudyard Kipling, condensed text)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nothing is permanent in life

In the film The Little Buda, of Bernardo Bertolucci, it is showed, in a very poetic way, a budhist principle that it is the principle of the impermanence.
The budhists takes a long time building delicate and complexes of colourful sand mandalas, on the floor, for later, with a firm and definite gesture, destroy them with the hands.
They do it to remind us on purpose that in life nothing is permanent and that we should not depend on things or emotional states to be happy.
We are very special beings, with an incredible capacity to love, forgive, grow and develop. To be truth, the only thing that we really have is the present moment, with its uncountable invitations of development and multiple actions or no-actions.
It is clear that things that make part of our lives are important and beloved but a bit of unattachment bring us enormous benefits.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The sacred difference

Mercury in squaring with Neptune and sextil with Mars, the Moon is the fourth minguante sign of Aquarius.
Meanwhile, here on Earth humans who know less and those with more laziness to take the correct action are also those who argue and distribute blame easily. On the other hand, humans who understood and made the sacrifice to fight for a civilization that focused in fair and correct relationships, also learned the silence and do their work with determination and confidence in their own convictions. Sometimes the right fight, the fight for liberation of civilization from the totalitarian power seems to proceed using the same weapons of the enemy, but there is a fundamental difference, and that changes the whole game, because good people are not infiltrated by even a drop of hate. This is the sacred difference.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Back to the implant

Some time ago, we talked about the neutral implant and I would like to go back to that subject.
Kryon said:
"Humans are very often afraid of the spiritual world. Never be afraid of the implant: it is the first step in the direction of your superior self, waiting for the moment to be manifested. Maybe you associate with some ritual of the Earth that demands sacrifice of something to get another thing. It is not that. You are being prepared and purified to have wisdom, inner peace and to get rid of any fear. When you ask for the implant, you are asking for your contract to be completed. This is the perfect scene. If you are afraid it is because this is a karmic attribute that must be emptied. Further, you will live a much peaceful life, including with others. The Spirit never abandons you”.
I think that we should talk about our experiences about this matter. For those who have asked for the implant and want to go deeper in any conversation about it, please write to my private email.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Try to get used of having leisure time, because there is a connection between the needs of your inner child and the needs of the adults. Our jokes, during childhood, expressed deep desires of our future life. When our psyque is mature, these desires become also mature and are integrated in our self. Do not try to alter them, do not require a lot of yourself during your leisure time.
Fantasies of a mature mind are transformed in real creative vision!

Monday, April 21, 2008


There was a time that I used to think about that thought very often:
"Everyday, God gives us a moment that it is possible to change everything that makes us unhappy. That magic instant is the moment when a simple "yes" or "no" can change our whole existance".
(from the book Na Margem do Rio Piedra Eu Sentei e Chorei, Paulo Coelho)

What is that instant today?

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Lets leave the rain wash our souls.....our land.....our planet.....receiving with joy of a child's heart the oportunity of cleaness and renovation of the athmosphere, that becomes so light after a heavy rain.
Just open your hands and feel it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A new bridge

If you think as a human and are fearful, you will blame the Spirit for some negative situation you are living, imagining that you are in a wrong path.
You are co-creating along the path, so you should not make suppositions about what it is going to happen. In case you do not find the bridge where you thought you would pass, observe that are other people telling you about a new bridge that you didn’t know it exists.
A bridge that was being built before you have asked. It is larger that the other one, it has lights to illuminate the path and it allows you to cross it faster. It was beyond your sight but now that you needed it , it was revealed.
Remember: time is not linear so the conditions to support your needs have already been created in another plan.
(from Kryon books)

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Lighthouse

I have already thought about “clearing” the wallpaper of the blog and today I looked at the templates available. I liked very much this one, with this lighthouse representing a central light , a reference point; a hidden and eterical sky, embracing the space and illuminating the words. I think it is much better now. Maybe this little change is opening a new phase of our talks. A moment of fast and frequent changes, with this lighthouse reminding us that to get rid of our daily conditionings and standards of thoughts is more than necessary. It is urgent.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Dear friends,
such a long time without it is ok, I am online again and we will be back to our talks more often. Big hug for you all!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Morphogenetic Fields

In his book A New Science of Life, Rupert Sheldrake suggests an idea that all the systems will be regulated not only by energy and known real factors but also by invisible fields of organization.
These morphogenetic fields would be invisible standards that are spread through space and time in the consequent field of the species.
An example of that is described in the book of Lyall Watson entitled Lifetide: The Biology of Consciousness where the author tell us about what it is popular known as the Principle of the Hundredth Monkey.
He discovered that after a group of monkeys has learned a new behavior, other monkeys, in other islands, without any means of communication among them, demonstrated to have the same knowledge.
Rupert also concluded that the creative process, that generate a new thought, is
similar in this meaning, because it stars a new process of evolution and, for being in a higher level of vibration, it has the power to connect separated things.
Jack Sarfatti, another physist, suggested in Psychoenergetic Systems that the multidimensional reality is that one where the things are co-related.
Dr. David Bohm, quantum physist, affirms that the Universe is a inseparable set, a group of probabilities that are connect among themselves manifesting everything.
If we get rid of our limitations and accept that we are fields of energy, we will be able to integrate this wider reality in our lives.
Them, we start to see a whole word of possibilities, confident that our aura vibrates in a higher level, and consequently, connects to others of a superior vibration.
Meditation is the experience of getting a higher consciousness of that frequency.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Interdimensional network of possibilities

Here is a public announcement from Vitorino’s website ( that is extremely interesting. I thought it would be important to repeat it here in case you have not read it yet.

Vitorino: I would like to know how is it possible to see all the possibilities? How does the interdimensional network of possibilities work? Finally, how does the co-creation work?

Yasmin (by Esmeralda): Based in our point of view, although everything is in the same side, we see all the connections. And how can we see all the possibilities that can arise in the future? It is very simple. It is because we can access the neuronal network of each human being and his project of life. Always when he express his ability of co-creation, it is immediately showed all the possible connections. In that moment, he calls to himself all those people that interact with him, even those who make him adopt a different way of being from the one he has assumed by now. It is the same for all humans, who make choices which are not connect with their missions. In these moment – that we have to be extremely patient! – the Group of Support elaborates, interdimensionaly, all the potential situations involving other human beings that, in the level of his incarnation, have agreed to help them to be back to their main aim which brought them to Earth. Everybody will be delighted when you were able to observe the way things work to move and connect life, and how everything, in a way, serves to the Plan.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Magic touch

Usually, during our lives, we limit our touch to two situations: pain and sex. It is not without any reason that we hug and care people when they cry.
We need to dissociate this bad pattern so deeply connected to our psyque. Pavlov, the psychologist who discovered the conditioned reflex, affirmed that the human mind, as the animal one, always works by association of a certain past memory with a similar present one. He proved that with the experience with his dog: when he fed it, he played a bell. Later, when he played the bell, the dog started to salivate. The dog had associated the food with the bell.
We need to recover the memory of the touch connected to love, with donation of energy. The magic touch is to love the others as we love ourselves.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


What are you afraid of?
Make a list of your fears.
Maybe they are located on your body, in some situations of your life.
Connect your fears to the circumstances that are occurring in that moment.
Fears are always related to something you want to do but you dont ant that prevent you to reach your magnitude.
And it is also the gateway to it!

(an exercise suggested in the book Hands of Light, Barbara Breenan)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


"Never forget that the discipline is the greatest source of wisdom."

Monday, March 17, 2008

The arch

Dear friends,
I did not participate at “III Forum Firmeza e Doçura” yesterday so if any of you were, and want to post your comment, I would like to hear from you.
I went for a stroll to Chiado and I spent a lot of time observing carefully many things: monuments, architecture, people and the marathon of Lisbon. The habit of photographing helps considerably to make us “stop, look and see” life happening.
Good learning. I want to develop that ability.
Here is the photo of the impressive arch of Augusta street. Nice view!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Your soul mate is not another version of yourself; it is just energy of your energy. You have other parallel manifestations because you are a set of beings that use 32 available bodies, necessary to manifest yourself until certain dimensions of this Universe. All these parallel lives are not other drops of the same cloud, but other levels of unfoldement in relation of the “source” where “you have left”.
(Book of Answers, Vitorino de Sousa)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Dear friends
It has been great to hear you and when I read your comments I think about the voices of you all……and then try to imagine your faces. What about sending me a photo? I would “hugely like it”, as our portuguese friends use to say. I am waiting……Big hug!


Friday, March 7, 2008


Ideas that turn your day, a better day:
  • Look at your body and mind as you were looking at your beloved, someone you admire.
  • This is something that turns the arrow of love to yourself.
  • Be absolutely honest in your relationships.
  • Make a list of your qualities and read it for yourself.
  • Allow yourself to be strange, so you will not be afraid of other people’s opinion.
  • Work with something you like.
Use them!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Brilliant answer

Reader: there is a huge scientific and religious argument about the new age teachings. When I read your teachings, I think the premises are worthy: “if it exists and it is real, why we can not see them, touch them, measure them and make it to be repeated again? Your teachings have been very contested by intelligent people who are always ready to give ears to their minds. What can you say about it?

Kryon: in the 18th century, a good and intelligent man, very fearful to God, dressed as a pilgrim, was searched by a man, who considered him a person close to God, to trust him his vision: he affirmed to have seen the future. He said that there were invisible waves in the air, capable to transport voices in big distances and that, one day, it would be possible to talk instantly with someone living in the other side of the world. Even the music would travel by air.
The pilgrim considered it a crazy story because not even him, who was a man so close to God, never had a vision like that and not even the science had any proof about what he was saying. Repulsing that insane man, ordered his execution based in the idea that his soul was a demon.
The situation is not very different nowadays. The sophistication of the society changed the attitudes but it keeps the essence of the 18th century. Your religious leaders say that we are the devil and the scientists affirm that there is no proof of our teachings. In that way, my friend, you have no credit. For the scientists, you are a clown, and for the religious, you are the devil.
The man who had the vision was right. The radio waves are magnetic and the pilgrim was surrounded by them, even denying them. The waves already existed and were waiting to be discovered to transport the voice and the sound.
It is just a matter of time until these teachings be absolutely real for you and be accepted for the science, but different from the past, now there will be necessary only some decades to have these invisible truth discovered.

Be careful to judge the messenger, even if you are not aware about the message!

(from the book "Do not think as a human", Kryon - adapted text)

Monday, March 3, 2008


Concentrate yourself in the essence of the path, your goal in life. Keep it in your mind as if it was a huge colorful outdoor, because during moments of sadness, worries and hopeless it is the thought of your highest aim that will give you strength to go ahead.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


"Life can not be taken nor given: life is!
It is like if we put a block of ice under the sun and, with the water dropping from our hands, say that we have taken life out of the water. It was only a change of state.
It is not proper to evaluate extra-dimensional processes under tri-dimensional laws, because there will be only discrepancies.
Each dimension of consciousness has its laws and own ways of working.”

(The Book of Answers, from Vitorino de Sousa)

Monday, February 25, 2008

On board tonight

In just a few hours, we will be arriving in the station Quantum Leap.

Be sure to check all the compartments over your head. Take care when you open them because the stuff inside can fall down over you. Be sure to check your seat and all the deposits around you. And please, be sure to take only your luggage. Every human luggage looks similar, but many of them are not yours. If you take someone’s luggage, you are denying to that person the opportunity of changing. Trust me, you do not want it anymore. You had enough.

Take only what is yours and what you chose to take with you to go ahead. Some of them can have your mark, but are they really yours? or are they only livings of your past life that is still trying to call your attention? Is it a piece of you that have been so deeply hurt, by other human being, that you simply can let it go?

Friends, you do not have to be if your wounds neither with your limitations. Take only what you chose. Do not take heavy and old stuff that do not serve you anymore. Do not think that you have to take them with you. They do not work very well in the Quantum Leap Express.

The Quantum Leap Express departures tonight, at mid-night. Take only what you need for that journey.

Now, many of you are thinking: “well, I will need many things….make-up, clothes, money, credit cards”. You will think that you need your bills, your credit, your ex-husbands/wives, your sons and all the rest.

Before that, let’s stop right now. Breath and think: what do I really need? Not much. What you’ve learned yes, your wisdom. It is very difficult to decide because you are still operating with the human mind of the Old Energy.

When the train arrives in the station tonight, you will not be asked to be on board of the Quantum Leap Express. You can stay in the station as long as you want to. You can not go back – no train goes back – but you can stay in the station. Possibly another group of humans will be leaving earlier or later, so join them.

You can make this Quantum Leap tonight with us too. I know there will be thousands of you on board, then you are never alone.

(Tobias, from the Carmesim Group, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe. Adapted text)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cycles of Time

There is a human attribute that is a permanent attribute of the soul: the cycle of time.

We usually measure it by years (or in lives) and that is why some people takes a long time to make changes and others do it so quickly. The cycle of time will always be the same for a particular soul every time he decides to incarnate. It was the same in the last incarnation and will be the same in the next.

If the person has a cycle time of three, for example, it is expected that the meaningful karmic cycles will be each 3 years (or lives). Many lives are lived as periods of rest between lives full of meaning. Time is a human concept, then what seems a long time for us, spiritually is only "now!

This concept has been written by Kryon in the book "Do not think like a human" and reminded me of another very interesting book, from the rosacrucian´s library, who also talked about the cycles of life (but at the moment I do not have it in hands to re-read it).

I will search for more information. I believe that the cycles of time can be "dimensioned" through the numerology of our names. What do you think Rosalino? You are good at analysing numbers...... Have you read something about?

(*) message: thank you for invinting me to join the network of friends at hi5, but I do not answer because my time in the net of the library is restricted. I intend soon to be online with my laptop.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am so tired of sneezing!

Dear friends, nice to have you there hearing me. It has been great to share my thoughts, feelings and readings with you. Much better are your comments. I think that our synergy has increased with time so my daily post always touch one of you.

I would like to tell you that, last Sunday, for the first time, I participated in the “Group for Recovering Peace” and “One day with Yasmin”. I liked very much both presentations, from Vitorino and Esmeralda. They are very good communicators, honest, of good sense, practical and realistic even talking about such polemic subjects. I strongly recommend.

If someone wishes more details, send me an email at – please avoid gmail because it is been hard to open it.

Another thing: some of you have already suggested a meeting. The idea is great. Maybe we could book in a coffee shop in Lisbon, in one of the days during Easter. What do you think? I know it is difficult because each of us live in a city and some, in another country! But even though it is worth trying. (dear Beth: please shape yourself and come, ok? You can not be absent!)

I posted a new picture (I should have done it before the event) because my hair had a genetic mutation before coming to Portugal (only the hair??). It is darker….then Maria Joao, who decided to meet me by surprise in the event, could not identify me….but fortunately we met each other. We look like two old friends!

I also loved to meet Rosa and Tereza. Our conversation was great during lunch time.

Cof! Cof! coughing as well!
I am out of breath!
Big kiss for you all !

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Shadow of the Wind

"- This place is a mistery Daniel, a sanctuary. Each book, each one that you see, has a soul. The soul of whom has written it and the soul of those that have read it and experienced it and dreamed with it. Each time that a book changes hands, each time that someone takes a look at its pages, his spirit grows and becomes stronger. Even the books that were lost in time, the ones that nobody remembers, lived forever waiting to reach one day someone’s hands again, a new spirit.

Daniel got sad when he had to put the book back in the shelf of the Cemetery of the Forgotten Books. He had discovered a new universe, in only one book, and dozens of thousands were still unexplored, pages were abandoned like souls without their owners, while the world out there was losing all these memories."

I am reading this book, from the Spanish writer Carlos Ruiz Zafon. An unforgettable history about the secrets of the heart and the magic of the books. I loved this passage.

(*) dear friends: once more, many thanks for all the kind words expressed in your comments. Yesterday and today, I wrote under too much “water” – sneezing all the time. Big hug for you all!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


There are some days that seem nights...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Empty drawer

The benefits of a meditation daily practice are incomparable. When we dedicate to silence our minds at least for 20 minutes a day, we see the results becoming soon even more visible. While we try to clean up our minds, like emptying a drawer, we open space to the new to energize it and that is why we feel great vitality after the exercise. The effort is worthy trying!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


As Vitorino said: "… remember that the Plan for the Earth is not static but dynamic. Being dynamic, can be changed…… and it is, when it is necessary. "

To inspire us to change, there are some interesting phrases:

"The change is created by those whose imaginations are larger than their circumstances." (Author Unknown) (ps: I loved that!)
"Courage is the power to let go what is familiar." (Raymond Linquist) (ps: fantastic!)
"We can learn to be the catalyst of our own change." (Sarah Ban Breathnach)
"Living is changing, and to be perfect is to change often." (John Henry Cardinal Newman)

"People can cry much easier than they can change." (James Baldwin)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I always have an open world map in my mind and it occurs to me that each country has its own column, tube of light, up to the sky. So, if the sky – the center of universal energy – could be fractionated, each land would have its own correspondent little piece reflected there.
Although it seems funny, when someone says “under this sky” he wants to say “the piece of sky that covers this land”, meaning that the energy projected there differs from others. To me, this idea seems to be very true because when people change countries they immediately feel “some strong reaction” , no matter if it is something good or bad, amicable or strange, caring or cold, receptive or not. This is not related to the culture or "the local modus-vivendi" but with the energy that is vibrating there, in that little projected piece of sky.

Friday, February 8, 2008


For all of you who have posted your messages here and that also have sent messages to my private address,
Your friendship, care and attention, at this point of my life, have been extremely valuable!

Big hug and kiss

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


"You were chosen to be the workers of light. You are those who make the difference and make the changes. All of us are here to support you but you are those who should do the work. Every single structure of the Earth, all the history registered in Earth, and everything that you see, while human beings, is about it. It is a crucial work to the Universe."

Monday, February 4, 2008


I switched on the computer this morning thinking about what I would write and when I opened the curtains I saw a wonderful rainbow! It was very nice to start the day with this view. The day seems to be clean and fresh, after a rainy Sunday.
A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that separates the sunlight on its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on drops of rain. It is a multicolour bow with red in your outside and violet in your inside, and the whole sequence of colours is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, deep blue and violet (the same sequence of colours of our chakras, from the basic to the crown).
The rainbow does not exist itself, it is not a place in the sky, but it is an optical illusion, whose apparent position depends on the position of the observer. We can see the rainbow of different "sizes" because, to estimate its width, the only information that our brain has is the dimension of the angle of vision that corresponds to itself.
As usual, the way we see things belongs to us!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Today, I was reading the news written by Vitorino at Yasmin website, where Sananda talks about paradigms, and I remembered the study guide I read yesterday about “Paradigm Shift”. The subject is related to the Quantum Physics and it is very interesting because it considers new ways of facing life.
This is one of the proposed exercises:
Everything we do and say is the expression of our beliefs about the world. Finding the underlying beliefs can lead us to insights and understanding. As you go through the day, try to identify some of the assumptions that inform your own and other’s actions. Ask yourself what this person would have to believe in order to do, say or be that way.
To get a better view of your worldview, fill in the blanks for the following statements:
1- __________created the world.
2- I am on Earth because __________.
3- My purpose in being here is to __________.
4- If I succeed, __________ happens.
5- If I fail, __________ happens.
6- The good and bad things that happen on Earth are the consequence(s) of __________.
7- It is important for me to __________ nature.
8- It is important for me to __________ other people.
9- It is important for me to __________ the force that created the world.

Answered? If so, and if you want to share your answers with me, I would like to know them. Write to my private email address.

Mark Twain said: “Broad, wholesome, charitable views can not be acquired by vegetating in one’s little corner of the earth”.

Friday, February 1, 2008


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.” (Marie Curie)
Back to the theory about “things that meet us”, yesterday I opened a file where I kept this saying from "Marshmallow message" and it reminds us to be brave and carry on with a better understanding of the facts.
Then, I am re-starting.....with renewed breath!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hello friends!
I am trying to connect my notebook to the wireless network.
Talk to you soon.
Big hug!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Dear friends,

I am travelling to Portugal will be a busy day, thinking about the last details. I read the post and we will be in touch next week. Have a nice weekend!