Over you is your Higher Self. He is also known as the Hole Spirit or the central energy of your soul – your essence. You pass your whole life trying to touch his hands. Imagine yourself stretching your energy to the other side of the veil, that is also you. You are much bigger than you think. In the inter dimensional space, you are much bigger. When you touch your High self, you find yourself.
The human being has total capacity of communication with spirits because it is the way it was planned. You do not believe that, so need to learn it again, experience. You say that you do not hear voices from the sky, because you think God talks to you this way. It is much more elegant than that and I will tell you how. Use your pure intention and when you meditate, just say: God, what should I know? You will not hear voices, not even see flashes of light. What you sill feel is an abundance of love, because you opened the door.
The door that gives access to the family from where you belong.You are helped as soon as you push the door and things start to happen. Some of you will say that the problems are still there but will feel an incredible peace. Then the next step is to create your own reality. It is what we teach. Get out of the carmic cycle, the system that is around you for thousands of years. Outside it, you create your own energy, pure energy, and this is the path ahead of you.
(Kryon - por Lee Caroll - workshop no Brasil em fev/08)
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