Friday, December 21, 2007

Right station

In the book "Glossário de Kryon"(*) we find the item Irritation. It is written there:

"Your irritation is your way to tell us that you miss Home. At least, it is what we get from it. Your "aggressive" attitude corresponds to "Take me away from here", yelled from the deepest of your soul. It is what we hear, and always when it is possible, what we try to give you.
At least, try to be irritated at a good cause. Make use of this irritation as the fuel to get closer to us. We do not register the "lack of respect" of the human beings because we simply do not see "lack of respect". Even in the case of those who ignore, depreciate and swear us, we know it is the Spirit being manifested."

When I read this explanation, it was absolutely perfect for the situation I was facing at that time. I thought how the answers are easily guided to us when we connect to the "right station". As on the radio, try to tune to that frequency.

It looks simple, doesn't it?
(*) Glossário de Kryon, de Vitorino de Sousa

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