Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Welcome books and films

Interesting to say that sometimes our wishes cause magnetic reactions of what our souls are searching. It happens very often with books and films. They come to us to bring their messages. Yesterday, I watched a film and the subject was the power beyond life. It was about a true story of an athlete who overcame an accident and went back to competition. A friend, who helped him to change his mind, insisted on saying that he had to get rid of all mental trash and negativity that prevented him to believe in his success towards the development of his self-esteem and deepest beliefs. His friend insisted on saying: “be totally present in the moment”, “feel that the main goal in life is the journey itself”, “understand that there is no right or wrong, but the best for yourself”.

We know that mind control is the basis for everything and this practice is essential to evolution, but it seems that we need to review these ideas repeatedly to substitute some old ones, so hard to change.

Dear books and films: You are welcome!

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