Friday, June 27, 2008

Messages from Kryon (part 3)

There is no organization or someone to follow. Do not adore Kryon, If you want to adore someone, look at the mirror. Adore you. Not in a selfish way but seing the face of God and asking why you went back to Earth.

And what about judgement? God judges? And about the human beings that are bad to others, will they be judged? Suppose: when you go to the theatre, you watch the play and see the actor shooting at someone, to kill him. Then, when the play is over, do you call the police to judge the crime? No! the play is over, everybody clap hands and go home. It is what happens after death: a big party when the play is over.

Just an advice: if they told you that you came in sin, do not believe. This was never taught by the masters. It comes from the humans. The master of love never said that. The master said: I am the son of God and so are you. He showed that miracles can be done by us. He brought the message of the truth: we are sacred!
(Kryon - by Lee Caroll - workshop in Brasil in Feb/08)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Messages from Kryon (part 2)

The worker of light illuminates where he is. You do it anchoring light in dark places where maybe you are the only one that is there… home, at work, in the city were you live, other places where you go….in your own family.

Let me tell you: you have the power over darkness. There is darkness in the planet. It is not a demon that looks for your soul, it is darkness made by human beings. It is porwerful but the humans are powerful either. If you observe, the light is active and darkness is not. If you are in a dark room with thousands of souls of low vibration and a human being enters with his light, all the room will be illuminated straight away. If the room is full of light, and darkness comes in, nothing happens. Darkness does not affect light but light affects darkness.

(Kryon - by Lee Caroll - workshop in Brasil in Feb/08)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Messages from Kryon (part 1)

You are in that meeting, willing to hear this channeling. There are not many people available for it but in any culture or society there are always the ones who have the light. You are the minority but you have the majority of light.

Over you is your Higher Self. He is also known as the Hole Spirit or the central energy of your soul – your essence. You pass your whole life trying to touch his hands. Imagine yourself stretching your energy to the other side of the veil, that is also you. You are much bigger than you think. In the inter dimensional space, you are much bigger. When you touch your High self, you find yourself.

The human being has total capacity of communication with spirits because it is the way it was planned. You do not believe that, so need to learn it again, experience. You say that you do not hear voices from the sky, because you think God talks to you this way. It is much more elegant than that and I will tell you how. Use your pure intention and when you meditate, just say: God, what should I know? You will not hear voices, not even see flashes of light. What you sill feel is an abundance of love, because you opened the door.

The door that gives access to the family from where you belong.You are helped as soon as you push the door and things start to happen. Some of you will say that the problems are still there but will feel an incredible peace. Then the next step is to create your own reality. It is what we teach. Get out of the carmic cycle, the system that is around you for thousands of years. Outside it, you create your own energy, pure energy, and this is the path ahead of you.
(Kryon - por Lee Caroll - workshop no Brasil em fev/08)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Considerare, in latin

In the post of Feb,12th, I talked about the sky of the place where we live and today I read a text about the word “consider” that comes form the latin “considerare” and means “being with the sky”.
The text said that we always need to evaluate the quality of the sky in a certain period of time in order to understand what situations are effectively flowing in that moment.
Each year, we gain a map with a new route that points out the chains which are faster and more adequate to stay, in the river of our lives.
Listen to the sky is to realize what are these chains, it is to penetrate in the current flow and explore the maximum possibilities that are being manifested TODAY.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The silence

The silence of the mountains has a depth that valleys don’t have. Each person has his own silence; the silence between clouds and the one between trees has a big difference. The silence between thoughts is timeless; the silence of pleasure and fear are touchable. The artificial silence that our thoughts can produce is the death; the silence between noises is the absence of noises, although is not silence, the same way that the absence o war is not peace. The dark silence of a cathedral or temple is the silence of centuries and of the beauty specially built by man. This is the silence of past and future, the silence of a museum and a cemetery. But all these things are not silence. Slowly, the day comes to an end and the light sounds of the night come up.
The genuine silence.