Sunday, March 29, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 5º

5º Health
The old saying is right: clear mind, healthy body. Lonely and hurt people eat more, move less and don’t have any disposition to search for happiness. The ones who care about their bodies can easily save their minds. Besides practicing some physical activity, such as walking in the park and investing in a healthy diet, allow yourself to experience good things that life has to offer. Simple habits, like appreciating nature or giving someone you like a strong hug, will make a big difference.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 4º

4º Optimism

Stimulating a positive outlook increases self-esteem and self-confidence. Someone who is optimistic feels he is able to solve any problem and achieve his wishes more easily. Optimism is essential for the human development because it improves the learning of new lessons and the search for different solutions, it doesn’t matter how hard they are. You have to have in mind that you can accomplish it. When we remember our accomplishments, we realize how we can overcome our limits.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 3º

3º Sense of humor

It is right to say that laughter is the best medicine! When you laugh, you stimulate the liberation of hormones which are responsible for the sensation of well being. A sense of humor is not lack of seriousness. A smile is an efficient way to calm down the mind, leaving it free to find solutions. Do not take life too seriously and spend more time with your beloved ones. Make fun of yourself and unpleasant situations.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 2º

2º Love

You know how good it is to love someone. It is a constructive feeling that contributes to the well being of everybody who is involved. So, surrender to it! Don’t forget that only those who love themselves are able to awake that emotion in another person´s heart. Everything starts with self-appreciation. Think twice before judging someone or yourself. It is important to believe that you deserve that noble feeling.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

9 steps to Hapiness: 1º

1º Spirituality

Who has any doubt that faith brings hope? More than a passive behaviour, spirituality makes you feel confident and strong enough to do whatever you want. It is important to believe in something superior – maybe God or the power of your thoughts. If you live your faith, get even more involved. Being part of voluntary work is a good way of feeling part of the world.