Thursday, February 28, 2008


"Life can not be taken nor given: life is!
It is like if we put a block of ice under the sun and, with the water dropping from our hands, say that we have taken life out of the water. It was only a change of state.
It is not proper to evaluate extra-dimensional processes under tri-dimensional laws, because there will be only discrepancies.
Each dimension of consciousness has its laws and own ways of working.”

(The Book of Answers, from Vitorino de Sousa)

Monday, February 25, 2008

On board tonight

In just a few hours, we will be arriving in the station Quantum Leap.

Be sure to check all the compartments over your head. Take care when you open them because the stuff inside can fall down over you. Be sure to check your seat and all the deposits around you. And please, be sure to take only your luggage. Every human luggage looks similar, but many of them are not yours. If you take someone’s luggage, you are denying to that person the opportunity of changing. Trust me, you do not want it anymore. You had enough.

Take only what is yours and what you chose to take with you to go ahead. Some of them can have your mark, but are they really yours? or are they only livings of your past life that is still trying to call your attention? Is it a piece of you that have been so deeply hurt, by other human being, that you simply can let it go?

Friends, you do not have to be if your wounds neither with your limitations. Take only what you chose. Do not take heavy and old stuff that do not serve you anymore. Do not think that you have to take them with you. They do not work very well in the Quantum Leap Express.

The Quantum Leap Express departures tonight, at mid-night. Take only what you need for that journey.

Now, many of you are thinking: “well, I will need many things….make-up, clothes, money, credit cards”. You will think that you need your bills, your credit, your ex-husbands/wives, your sons and all the rest.

Before that, let’s stop right now. Breath and think: what do I really need? Not much. What you’ve learned yes, your wisdom. It is very difficult to decide because you are still operating with the human mind of the Old Energy.

When the train arrives in the station tonight, you will not be asked to be on board of the Quantum Leap Express. You can stay in the station as long as you want to. You can not go back – no train goes back – but you can stay in the station. Possibly another group of humans will be leaving earlier or later, so join them.

You can make this Quantum Leap tonight with us too. I know there will be thousands of you on board, then you are never alone.

(Tobias, from the Carmesim Group, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe. Adapted text)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cycles of Time

There is a human attribute that is a permanent attribute of the soul: the cycle of time.

We usually measure it by years (or in lives) and that is why some people takes a long time to make changes and others do it so quickly. The cycle of time will always be the same for a particular soul every time he decides to incarnate. It was the same in the last incarnation and will be the same in the next.

If the person has a cycle time of three, for example, it is expected that the meaningful karmic cycles will be each 3 years (or lives). Many lives are lived as periods of rest between lives full of meaning. Time is a human concept, then what seems a long time for us, spiritually is only "now!

This concept has been written by Kryon in the book "Do not think like a human" and reminded me of another very interesting book, from the rosacrucian´s library, who also talked about the cycles of life (but at the moment I do not have it in hands to re-read it).

I will search for more information. I believe that the cycles of time can be "dimensioned" through the numerology of our names. What do you think Rosalino? You are good at analysing numbers...... Have you read something about?

(*) message: thank you for invinting me to join the network of friends at hi5, but I do not answer because my time in the net of the library is restricted. I intend soon to be online with my laptop.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I am so tired of sneezing!

Dear friends, nice to have you there hearing me. It has been great to share my thoughts, feelings and readings with you. Much better are your comments. I think that our synergy has increased with time so my daily post always touch one of you.

I would like to tell you that, last Sunday, for the first time, I participated in the “Group for Recovering Peace” and “One day with Yasmin”. I liked very much both presentations, from Vitorino and Esmeralda. They are very good communicators, honest, of good sense, practical and realistic even talking about such polemic subjects. I strongly recommend.

If someone wishes more details, send me an email at – please avoid gmail because it is been hard to open it.

Another thing: some of you have already suggested a meeting. The idea is great. Maybe we could book in a coffee shop in Lisbon, in one of the days during Easter. What do you think? I know it is difficult because each of us live in a city and some, in another country! But even though it is worth trying. (dear Beth: please shape yourself and come, ok? You can not be absent!)

I posted a new picture (I should have done it before the event) because my hair had a genetic mutation before coming to Portugal (only the hair??). It is darker….then Maria Joao, who decided to meet me by surprise in the event, could not identify me….but fortunately we met each other. We look like two old friends!

I also loved to meet Rosa and Tereza. Our conversation was great during lunch time.

Cof! Cof! coughing as well!
I am out of breath!
Big kiss for you all !

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Shadow of the Wind

"- This place is a mistery Daniel, a sanctuary. Each book, each one that you see, has a soul. The soul of whom has written it and the soul of those that have read it and experienced it and dreamed with it. Each time that a book changes hands, each time that someone takes a look at its pages, his spirit grows and becomes stronger. Even the books that were lost in time, the ones that nobody remembers, lived forever waiting to reach one day someone’s hands again, a new spirit.

Daniel got sad when he had to put the book back in the shelf of the Cemetery of the Forgotten Books. He had discovered a new universe, in only one book, and dozens of thousands were still unexplored, pages were abandoned like souls without their owners, while the world out there was losing all these memories."

I am reading this book, from the Spanish writer Carlos Ruiz Zafon. An unforgettable history about the secrets of the heart and the magic of the books. I loved this passage.

(*) dear friends: once more, many thanks for all the kind words expressed in your comments. Yesterday and today, I wrote under too much “water” – sneezing all the time. Big hug for you all!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


There are some days that seem nights...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Empty drawer

The benefits of a meditation daily practice are incomparable. When we dedicate to silence our minds at least for 20 minutes a day, we see the results becoming soon even more visible. While we try to clean up our minds, like emptying a drawer, we open space to the new to energize it and that is why we feel great vitality after the exercise. The effort is worthy trying!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


As Vitorino said: "… remember that the Plan for the Earth is not static but dynamic. Being dynamic, can be changed…… and it is, when it is necessary. "

To inspire us to change, there are some interesting phrases:

"The change is created by those whose imaginations are larger than their circumstances." (Author Unknown) (ps: I loved that!)
"Courage is the power to let go what is familiar." (Raymond Linquist) (ps: fantastic!)
"We can learn to be the catalyst of our own change." (Sarah Ban Breathnach)
"Living is changing, and to be perfect is to change often." (John Henry Cardinal Newman)

"People can cry much easier than they can change." (James Baldwin)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I always have an open world map in my mind and it occurs to me that each country has its own column, tube of light, up to the sky. So, if the sky – the center of universal energy – could be fractionated, each land would have its own correspondent little piece reflected there.
Although it seems funny, when someone says “under this sky” he wants to say “the piece of sky that covers this land”, meaning that the energy projected there differs from others. To me, this idea seems to be very true because when people change countries they immediately feel “some strong reaction” , no matter if it is something good or bad, amicable or strange, caring or cold, receptive or not. This is not related to the culture or "the local modus-vivendi" but with the energy that is vibrating there, in that little projected piece of sky.

Friday, February 8, 2008


For all of you who have posted your messages here and that also have sent messages to my private address,
Your friendship, care and attention, at this point of my life, have been extremely valuable!

Big hug and kiss

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


"You were chosen to be the workers of light. You are those who make the difference and make the changes. All of us are here to support you but you are those who should do the work. Every single structure of the Earth, all the history registered in Earth, and everything that you see, while human beings, is about it. It is a crucial work to the Universe."

Monday, February 4, 2008


I switched on the computer this morning thinking about what I would write and when I opened the curtains I saw a wonderful rainbow! It was very nice to start the day with this view. The day seems to be clean and fresh, after a rainy Sunday.
A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that separates the sunlight on its continuous spectrum when the sun shines on drops of rain. It is a multicolour bow with red in your outside and violet in your inside, and the whole sequence of colours is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, deep blue and violet (the same sequence of colours of our chakras, from the basic to the crown).
The rainbow does not exist itself, it is not a place in the sky, but it is an optical illusion, whose apparent position depends on the position of the observer. We can see the rainbow of different "sizes" because, to estimate its width, the only information that our brain has is the dimension of the angle of vision that corresponds to itself.
As usual, the way we see things belongs to us!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Today, I was reading the news written by Vitorino at Yasmin website, where Sananda talks about paradigms, and I remembered the study guide I read yesterday about “Paradigm Shift”. The subject is related to the Quantum Physics and it is very interesting because it considers new ways of facing life.
This is one of the proposed exercises:
Everything we do and say is the expression of our beliefs about the world. Finding the underlying beliefs can lead us to insights and understanding. As you go through the day, try to identify some of the assumptions that inform your own and other’s actions. Ask yourself what this person would have to believe in order to do, say or be that way.
To get a better view of your worldview, fill in the blanks for the following statements:
1- __________created the world.
2- I am on Earth because __________.
3- My purpose in being here is to __________.
4- If I succeed, __________ happens.
5- If I fail, __________ happens.
6- The good and bad things that happen on Earth are the consequence(s) of __________.
7- It is important for me to __________ nature.
8- It is important for me to __________ other people.
9- It is important for me to __________ the force that created the world.

Answered? If so, and if you want to share your answers with me, I would like to know them. Write to my private email address.

Mark Twain said: “Broad, wholesome, charitable views can not be acquired by vegetating in one’s little corner of the earth”.

Friday, February 1, 2008


“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.” (Marie Curie)
Back to the theory about “things that meet us”, yesterday I opened a file where I kept this saying from "Marshmallow message" and it reminds us to be brave and carry on with a better understanding of the facts.
Then, I am re-starting.....with renewed breath!