Monday, December 31, 2007

Recipe for the NEW YEAR

If you want to have a wonderful New Year…

You don’t need to list your good intentions and file them in the drawer.

You don’t need to cry and regret the bad things you did or stupidly believe that by a special decret of hope, things will change from January and there will be justice in humanity, freedom smelling as morning bread, respected rights starting by the right of living!

If you want to have a New Year really new, you, my dear, have to deserve it, you have to make it new. I know it is not easy, but try it and experience with consciousness. It is inside you that the New Year lies and wait to be new forever.

A fantastic NEW YEAR for you!
(Recipe for the New Year, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, brazilian poet)

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Why human beings have such a need of protection?
What is the deepest feeling that breaks out a series of insecurities?

In the Kryon Glossary(*) is written: “humans had to create a network under their “jumps of trapeze” because they were submitted to a policy of fear that made them judge that they needed guarantees to live their lives healthy. At the moment, a certain type of courage is being asked, although we know how it scares you to recognize that this “network security”, which protected you from your jumps, was drawn back. You are afraid of fall because you have not recognized that the space under you, all of it, is occupied by the wings of your angel. This is something you will have to learn with experience”.

As you see, it is time to review our need of control and raise the level of trust in that “space”.

(*)Kryon Glossary, by Vitorino de Souza

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Words of the Stars

Mercury and Uranus in sextile, Sun and Saturn in tríne; Moon in Virgo.

Meanwhile, here in Earth, every human being has to get out of yourself and your imagination to join the group which he belongs, so that a better world can be definitely reached. Our humanity is as strong as the weakest of its kind, and it is imperative to raise the condition of life of the most humble, which does not mean to take everything to the least common denominator. Elevate the condition of the humble is not to continue giving them alms, but providing structure for education and health to establish a consistent development. The rhythm of life has been very accelerated lately and some humans have big difficulties to deal with it but now it is time “to move on” and not just “talk about movement”!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Piece of Art

Today, I remembered that piece of art which is the most visited at National Gallery, in London. Looking at this painting, it is impossible not to stay long minutes admiring the expression of Jesus Christ, as well the effect of the candlelight. In that moment, he was brought before the High Priest by Roman soldiers and questioned about his teachings and false testimony was called against him. Under Jewish law his claim to be the Messiah was punishable by death.

This painting was painted by Gerrit van Honthorst, in 1617, and even nowadays, 390 years later, the energy of the image hypnotizes millions of people who are guided to it.

It is possible to see it in details with the link bellow, using the zoom (red square).

Enjoy it. It is worthy visiting!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Seeds of the Spirit

“As you join all of humanity, humanity blooms and radiates forth its many facets of love. This creative process is a marriage of evolution and awakening. All you need to do is surrender to the now, do divine precision, to understanding, and experiencing our balance of reason, will and emotion and to being here now. Such joy will come to you! Joy you have not yet even imagined is on its way to you, simply open to it. Open your surrender. Open your true choice!” (from the book Seeds of the Spirit, Barbara Brennan)
Have a nice day!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Welcome books and films

Interesting to say that sometimes our wishes cause magnetic reactions of what our souls are searching. It happens very often with books and films. They come to us to bring their messages. Yesterday, I watched a film and the subject was the power beyond life. It was about a true story of an athlete who overcame an accident and went back to competition. A friend, who helped him to change his mind, insisted on saying that he had to get rid of all mental trash and negativity that prevented him to believe in his success towards the development of his self-esteem and deepest beliefs. His friend insisted on saying: “be totally present in the moment”, “feel that the main goal in life is the journey itself”, “understand that there is no right or wrong, but the best for yourself”.

We know that mind control is the basis for everything and this practice is essential to evolution, but it seems that we need to review these ideas repeatedly to substitute some old ones, so hard to change.

Dear books and films: You are welcome!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Message to Sananda

Today, give us a help to concentrate our attention in the Cosmic Plan.

Attention with conscientiousness, maturity and responsibility, to remember that we are not living just for a stroll.

We have a purpose in Earth.

Remind us of this purpose so that we can immediately activate it!

It is urgent, isn´t it?

Then today, your day, we will surrender to the Plan with trust because we are confident that it is the only way.

Our egos do not agree, but one day they will finally give up.

Thanks for your patience and unconditional love!

Monday, December 24, 2007



“Although nobody can go back to create a new start,
anyone is able to start now to create a new end!”

(Chico Xavier, a Spiritist medium)


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Collective Energy

Dear friends,

In this period of year-end parties, I thought that we should think about the collective energy. The expression is already self-explained but to bring the "obvious to practice" is not so easy.

In the Cosmic plan, this is the period of the greatest spiritual openness of the year, ideal to meditate about our lives and the planet´s, perfect to define our goals for the year to come. But what we see is a crazy rush to the opposite side: materialism. And how it is complicated not to be involved with this mass of people desperately looking for the "ideal menu" and "presents for the family"!

I thought how nice would it be if we spent our time visiting our friends and family, leaving a strong hug and words of joy - both so rare nowadays.

The collective energy of our consumer society absorbs us in such a way that it seems to be a big daring to suggest a new behaviour.

We have to join those who are attentive and sensible to this Portal that is opened now because its magnitude allow us to raise a powerful energy of enlightment and prosperity.

Join us in that "inside out colletive effort" which proposal is not to create confrontation, as we mentioned yesterday, but meet those who are ready to enter this Light Portal.

Can you help us?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Doors and Windows

Very nice Christmas message. Here it goes to enlighten your day!

“If life closes a door, it is because your place is not there anymore. Your mission has finished. A closed door is a sign that your values changed and that your walk must be followed by another path. Do not spend energy with confrontation. Look through the windows the new signs that the Universe is offering to you.”

Friday, December 21, 2007

Right station

In the book "Glossário de Kryon"(*) we find the item Irritation. It is written there:

"Your irritation is your way to tell us that you miss Home. At least, it is what we get from it. Your "aggressive" attitude corresponds to "Take me away from here", yelled from the deepest of your soul. It is what we hear, and always when it is possible, what we try to give you.
At least, try to be irritated at a good cause. Make use of this irritation as the fuel to get closer to us. We do not register the "lack of respect" of the human beings because we simply do not see "lack of respect". Even in the case of those who ignore, depreciate and swear us, we know it is the Spirit being manifested."

When I read this explanation, it was absolutely perfect for the situation I was facing at that time. I thought how the answers are easily guided to us when we connect to the "right station". As on the radio, try to tune to that frequency.

It looks simple, doesn't it?
(*) Glossário de Kryon, de Vitorino de Sousa


(posted in Dec 20th, 2007)

I am very happy when I feel that a simple creation, a blog, is representing something valuable for many people. Through their messages I can see that most of them are “finding something” and “finding themselves” here. It is a joy!

I intend to post a message everyday. Sometimes, it will be just a brief “good morning and a smile" but I believe that even small gestures are meaningful. Keep writing, leave your comments. I do want to hear you.

This morning, when I thought about writing, the word “shadow” came to my mind, while I was walking in a park, and because of that I connected with the relief it provides in summer times, inviting us to retire. In that chain of thoughts (so fast), it guided me to darkness, that immediately brought me the scene of a pregnancy……the silent fetus growing inside the womb….until the day to face the light!

We have many periods of pregnancy in life, called retracting periods, when retirement is essential to give birth to new ideas and to help us to understand the old ones.

In fact, the biggest “shadow” we face in life is “the dark night of the soul”, our thermometer of evolution, a period when the soul is temporally suspended without any protection, to have its strength evaluated.

Well, in shadow or light, we keep going……

(*) There is a Portuguese version of this blog, in case you have a friend who wants to talk to us but it is unable because of the language.
The address is
We will have the Spanish version soon.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Golden Answer

I read this text today and it cleared my mind a lot........

"Every conflict, individual or collective, has a Golden Answer: it is the 100% answer for that situation. It is the answer number 1, that one which contains a divine and cosmic potential.
It is the global answer that involves all interests of all dimensions. It is the answer that, most of the time, the 3D human mind does not understand and does not accept.
So, when you send vibrations to Earth, you should have the intention that all human beings expand conscience up to the point of wishing to have the golden answer applied in all the conflicts of the planet: family, political........because it is urgent that peace be manifested. But peace will only be installed in the planet when human beings give up praying for it to become the peace itself.
You need to consider this question if you want to strenghten your golden light and the one to cure the planet...........Disgraceful happenings, personal or collective, under the 3D human minds are an absurd, illogical and unfair but it is not a fault of the Universe: it is the effect of the human spiritual shortshighted" (from the book "A Dança com o Espírito", Vitorino de Sousa)

It is good to know that the Universe holds all of us! Feel that hug right now!

Specific Periods

(posted in Dec 17th, 2007)

Dear velatropanos....or velatropeiros (?!?).....well, friends of journey

I was thinking a lot these days and today I opened a book and the message was:

“Specific periods of spiritual openness happen in special moments along our lives. These moments are singular because they guide us, through frustrations and contradictions, in the direction of the acceptance of our peaceful relation with the Universe.

You have got one of these chains of time and you are being encourage to open your internal eye as well as the external one, because they are showing you directly that you are loved and everything is fine in the spiritual level of your life. Pay attention to subtle changes and events that might occur in the next days.

Be alert to feel a closer presence of God. It does not matter your past experiences or your present moment, you need to understand, on the level of heart, that you are in the spiritual path of conscience about God.

We, your spiritual teachers, ask you to accept that you are connected to God and that your interests are being considered in a long term. Maybe you are feeling the true need to accept that you are in full disposal. This is the moment that any doubt about you or the Universe must be thrown away.

Sometimes, you feel that God is far from your needs and interests, or that he is too impersonal or busy to get involved with your pain and emotional wounds. The immense expansion that is God is conscious about the smallest or simplest pain and is always present in each prayer.

Your intuition guided you to this message because maybe you need to reinforce your belief about yourself and the other you love. Or maybe you are feeling lost or missing someone that you loved in the past or has died and you feel abandoned and lonely. Or you are feeling rejected by others or by life, frustrated in your ability about the choices you should take. Or you just want to share the joy and blessings of your life and go deeper into the sacred space.

You are entering in that sacred space of spiritual knowledge where the Universe will show you an aspect of your immortal presence that will help you for a long time.

Take time to write your feelings during the next days because as you are in a altered state of mind, you will be able to notice events and emotions much more clearly”.

Well, as our porpouse here is to create a connection among people of same vibration, I believe that this message is also for you, who have just read it!

The Funnel

(posted in Dec 11th, 2007)
Did it happen to you once to be organizing books, personal objects and suddenly find something surprising in the middle of your things?
Last Sunday, I found a sheet of newspaper called "Anima" where I published an article, in March of 1998. I really didn't remember to have written such text. Although in that time we were not talking about co-creation (at least, I didn't hear about it), it was about that.
The title was: The Funnel. Here it is.

" The immense Universe invites us to think about the source of light, the source of cosmic energy. This energy moves all the planets of the galaxy and other components of the system, as well all the living form, manisfested or not, in them.
We know very little about our planet limiting this knowledge by what we have learned in the school, bringing almost nothing from this richness for us.
Our lives are directed tied with our state of mind that operates like an information processing unit, which information has its own limits according to our culture and the communication system in operation.
This ransom is what we are living nowadays. We should look for the source of energy again, expanding "the mouth of the funnel" to be able to see the flow of forces that we can access.
When we are aligned with this forces, everything is synchronized in our lives.
Let´s allow the cosmic forces to lie down more light and power over us. Obviously, we are not ready to absorb this ocean of energy and messages, but little by little they will be transformed in an understanding language for our standard of vibration.
When we feel the lack of answers, we need to expand conscience, open the funnel, to ransom the meaning of divine signs that are held in our limited minds.
The cosmic energy flows continuously. Keep connected and opened to receive it.
In the future, we will learn to use it in practice, manifesting physically the means we need to our evolution".

I asked myself why I found this text now, 9 years afterwards…..


(posted in Dec 8th, 2007)

Today, imagine that your Golden Angel is lying his wings over your shoulders...and decrete:

“I want to receive the necessary adjustments that, intuitively, I can deal with the concept of abundancy of the New Energy….that my mind recognizes immediately that this is the way it operates, as it always had been…that this happens very naturally and with no substitution, without any kind of effort…..I am in full disposal and open my soul to superior entities to be done what I am determining now…I am in peace to allow this transformation on me because I recognize that this way I will be closer to my essential me…..I also manifest the intention that all the resistance, blocks and difficulties should be removed to give space to the implementation of this process…This is what I determine….This is my wish….It will be satisfied up to the point that is universally correct to my life…many thanks”
(from the book “Co-criação: A Dança com o Espírito”, Vitorino de Sousa)

an A B U N D A N T weekend for everybody!

Our blog of everyday

(posted in Dec 7th, 2007)
Well, isnt it true that we finally met? What a pleasure to find people talking in the same language, expressing common feelings, interested in coming here to hear (read) and talk (write).
My intuition is telling me that an unusual path is being opened ahead. Unusual? Yes, I don't know to explain yet how this unusual will be manifested, but it will happen, be sure.
Our blog of everyday will take us far…..!
By the way, what I thought yesterday, happened this morning. I wanted to know where our visitors were coming from and some of them wrote the name of their cities. I wanted to identify if there where more people from Brazil reading the books (I suppose Kryon and Yasmin are less known here) .
I read all your messages and I have a lot to say about them but, by now, I would like to ask: "Has anyone already tried the shoes on?"
I will be back later………big hug!

Worthy Shoes

(posted in Dec 4th, 2007)
dear friends,
Some months ago, I subscribed the website to receive the "Marshmallow messages".
Here is one of them. It express exactly the moment I am living today. I hope it will be useful for you too.

"Stepping out of unhappiness and fruitless endeavors requires us to put on a pair of worthy shoes.
These shoes are unlike any other - they do more than take you to Kansas when you click 'em.
They dissolve all notions of competition, not - being good enough and basic, stale distrust.
Some wearers have claimed to experience physical healing, increased intimacy and feelings of euphoria after putting these shoes on. They come in all shapes and all sizes and are always in stock.
Colors? Why there's more choices, shades and hues than any one pallet can contain.
And get this, they are immediately available, so you can pick up and put on a pair anytime you decide to.
And for all you frugal shoppers, disparaged unemployed or limited "fixed-income" devotees - there's no charge!
Well, the fine print does recommend that you trade in your old inner critic.(You'll just get a better fit that way.)
Now you'd think with all the great bonuses you get when obtaining a pair that EVERYONE would be rushing to get their own. Oddly, however, worldwide business is bordering a bit on the slow side.
So help the world by acting now!
Help stamp out unworthiness!
By putting yours on today, you'll be jumpstarting a trend that boomerangs back, bringing you greater satisfaction than you have ever experienced. We guarantee it or your low self-esteem back.
So go on - put on a pair. You know you deserve to."


(posted in Dec 3rd, 2007)
I am not talking about voices from heaven but the voices that are emerging here! I am happy to hear from you. I was sure you were there!
I think we only needed a place where we could meet and feel comfortable to talk. I wished that everybody who is coming here would open your hearts without thinking twice, without structuring the speech, without worrying about being judged. We need this true openness, without fear.

I believe that most of you have much longer experience with Kyron and Yasmin teachings, than me. So please, leave your comments about what texts and/or practices you think are more important/relevant/efficient.
My mind is very questioning, investigative, that is why I want to go deeper into some subjects. The first of them is about the neutral implant. I want to know about other people´s experiences.
One of the reasons that I asked for it was to change my path, from "solitaire" to "integrated" (in a group with same interests). Uhm, as you can see, it is working!

Loneliness needs to be investigated. Are you interested?
Initially, I suppose we need a brainstorm. Why not? I am waiting…….

Happy Day

(posted in Dec 1st, 2007)
Wow, I was really happy with the link of our blog included in the Velatropa website that was responsible to bring our first visitor, Nela. I hope we will have many things to share from now on.
I need to be careful about my posts, for not to turn them "long speechs". I love to write and very often I get lost in the words….

Everyday is a new day - although many times we think it is everything the same - but today was really new!
Besides my talks with portuguese friends, the energy of connection with Velatropa made me feel absolutely confident that "I should go back home".
I started, 15 days ago, some decrets that Vitorino suggests in his book "A Dança com o Espírito" and they have been very beneficial, giving more strength to my intuitions.
I was impressed with the message of his last channeling. I tried to think what would me say "no" for the "Total Disposal", because that "no" could identify the major block: the "x" of the question. I will read it again because that message needs to be analyzed carefully and with attention.
I asked for the neutral implant in June, and changes (internal/external) have been radical. Very strong, indeed. To be honest, I think "it is something for great people"! Then, the small ones try it and have to do a big effort to make things happen.
Anyway, I think any initiative of development is always welcome.
Right or wrong, we keep going.

(*)I don't want to be here talking to myself, ok?

1st Day of Phase 2

(posted in Nov 24th, 2007)
Today is a very meaningful day for me. I finished phase 1, responsibilities with the family and growing kids, and now I am starting phase 2 totally dedicated to my personal growth. This task was always a priority in my life but from now on I intend to expand it even more and the fact of having met Kryon books, unintentionally in a bookshop in Carnaxide-Portugal, did represent a great step to reinforce my decision.
It is not too much to say that that reading changed my path almost immediately, which frequency of changes has brought new insights everyday. So, the idea of Velatropa Friends blog is to create a community to meet and talk about our deepest thoughts and emotions, that constantly flows in our lives, without worrying about judging one each other. We are longing to hear from you soon! A big hug!

(*)I love pictures and I think it would be nice if you attach one of you in your fist post, so "we become more visible and not too virtual", along our talks.