Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Back to the source

Go back to the source. Don't depend on what people tell you they meant. Don't give away your power of discernment to someone who's going to interpret the words of a master for you.
You're entitled and are as good as the best of the "trained" interpreters. Go back to the source and discover what they said!
They spoke about compromise and unity. They unified tribes that were apart - they gave solutions to the unsolvable. Many stood on mountaintops for all to hear and spoke about Human enablement.

They told those around them that Humans could be just like them! They gave all of you things to ponder for the ages...practical, spiritual, and historic. (Kryon)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Without prophecies

This is an age with no ancient prophecy. There is no prophecy you can find anywhere that explains what has happened in the last few years, and no prophecy about what humanity is about to do. No prophet was able to go to the other side of the veil and bring back this information, for what you're doing on this earth has never been charted before by anyone.

(From a Kryon Channelling in Chile, October 20 2008)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

If I could.....

If I could give you a present, I would forever remind you of the feeling of loving the life of all human beings; the consciousness of learning everything that was taught during your life.
I would remind you of the mistakes you have made and never to repeat them; the ability of choosing new ways.
I would remind you to respect everything which is indispensable:
beyond survival, the work;
beyond work, the action.
And when everything else was missing, a secret: when you were looking for answers and for the strength to find the way out, look inside yourself.
(Mahatma Gandhi)