Thursday, January 17, 2008

7th Chakra

Have a think:

There are many cases of human beings who failed to fall completely into their bodies and for this reason they are often guiding their own conscience to "out of their heads," as if they wanted to leave their body again.
This is common to people who believe that they have come from another stellar system. These people feel they are not really human beings and that they were brought here by an advanced culture, in general, out of the solar system. They feel the lack of their "real home" and have difficulties to remain in their physical body. Through extra sensory perception it is possible to see that the seventh chakra of these people has some relation to other stellar systems and are connected to highly developed creatures. They call themselves the "children of the stars" and affirm that they have never incarnated before, as human beings. In these cases, the problem is that they have already disrupted the cords which were connected to their ‘old home” but even though try to leave their bodies to "return to it", even with the disrupted cords. The final result is that it will be very difficult for them to live with some stability, unless they were under a healing therapy where they would have their cords reconnected again.

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