Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quiet space

" At the end of all Seeking
the Seeker is the one Sought."

In its simplest form, meditation is to still the chattering mind, the ever jumpy body, allowing a greater awareness to occur.
You start by discovering inner peace and using this state of mind as the center of your daily life. You go out into the world and respond to people and events. You witness others and their behavior without judgment. You know that life is ever changing and you respond, in the moment to what is going on. Then, you withdraw from world process and return your mind's awareness to your internal state of inner peace.
If you are new to this type of thought and practice, you might just allow your self a gentle and quiet space, a space for just being...if only for a few minutes.

The regular practice of meditation alters the molecular structure of our internal waters, as we said in the post yesterday.

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