Tuesday, December 18, 2007


(posted in Dec 3rd, 2007)
I am not talking about voices from heaven but the voices that are emerging here! I am happy to hear from you. I was sure you were there!
I think we only needed a place where we could meet and feel comfortable to talk. I wished that everybody who is coming here would open your hearts without thinking twice, without structuring the speech, without worrying about being judged. We need this true openness, without fear.

I believe that most of you have much longer experience with Kyron and Yasmin teachings, than me. So please, leave your comments about what texts and/or practices you think are more important/relevant/efficient.
My mind is very questioning, investigative, that is why I want to go deeper into some subjects. The first of them is about the neutral implant. I want to know about other people´s experiences.
One of the reasons that I asked for it was to change my path, from "solitaire" to "integrated" (in a group with same interests). Uhm, as you can see, it is working!

Loneliness needs to be investigated. Are you interested?
Initially, I suppose we need a brainstorm. Why not? I am waiting…….

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