Sunday, December 23, 2007

Collective Energy

Dear friends,

In this period of year-end parties, I thought that we should think about the collective energy. The expression is already self-explained but to bring the "obvious to practice" is not so easy.

In the Cosmic plan, this is the period of the greatest spiritual openness of the year, ideal to meditate about our lives and the planet´s, perfect to define our goals for the year to come. But what we see is a crazy rush to the opposite side: materialism. And how it is complicated not to be involved with this mass of people desperately looking for the "ideal menu" and "presents for the family"!

I thought how nice would it be if we spent our time visiting our friends and family, leaving a strong hug and words of joy - both so rare nowadays.

The collective energy of our consumer society absorbs us in such a way that it seems to be a big daring to suggest a new behaviour.

We have to join those who are attentive and sensible to this Portal that is opened now because its magnitude allow us to raise a powerful energy of enlightment and prosperity.

Join us in that "inside out colletive effort" which proposal is not to create confrontation, as we mentioned yesterday, but meet those who are ready to enter this Light Portal.

Can you help us?

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